Sunday, December 30, 2007

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Carrie Underwood - I Told You So

To me, "I Told You So" is definitely the standout track from "Carnival Ride" album. Love you, Carrie Underwood.

Sunday, December 16, 2007






Tuesday, December 11, 2007






Saturday, November 10, 2007

Tevin Campbell - Tell Me What You Want Me to Do

Have I ever shared that I loved this track from one hit wonder, Tevin Campbell? When he released this debut album in 1991, I believe he was only 14! And his high pitch blew me away!

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Brothers & Sisters - Kevin / Chad / Scotty / Jason

Here's on Kevin & Chad

Ch5 snipped off more than a minute of this scene when it was shown on local TV!

How Kevin & Jason Have Sparks

Brothers & Sisters - Parting Ways & Blind Date

I can understand why there have been rave support for this drama, Brothers & Sisters, for it's positive portrayal of homosexuality on prime time TV. I simply love this drama, not only because it's gives a positive view on homosexuality but also it has one of the most interesting and revieting family in the US!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

蔡依林 - 日不落


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

JK Rowling Said Dumbledore Is Gay

(Does that mean the conservative local authorities are going to recall the books and ban the circulation? Does that mean the straight-minded homophobic locals are going to cry foul and stop their children, nieces, nephews and all urnlings from grabbing a hold on the books?)

Speaking at Carnegie Hall in her first US tour in seven years, Rowling confirmed what some fans had always suspected – that she "always thought Dumbledore was gay", reported entertainment website E! Online.

Rowling said Dumbledore fell in love with the charming wizard Gellert Grindelwald but when Grindelwald turned out to be more interested in the dark arts than good, Dumbledore was "terribly let down" and went on to destroy his rival.

That love, she said, was Dumbledore's "great tragedy".

"Falling in love can blind us to an extent," she said.

The audience reportedly fell silent after the admission – then erupted into applause.

Rowling, 42, said if she had known that would be the response, she would have revealed her thoughts on Dumbledore earlier.

Fans on the top Potter fan site were divided on the news, some uncertain Rowling wasn't going to backtrack on the announcement, others saying it was unnecessary, and some welcoming the extra information on Dumbledore.

"This is even more awesome because it adds another layer to Dumbledore's character, which is already so rich and complicated. I hope he got over Grindlevald (sic) and fell in love again," wrote Amanda.

Rowling said she had read through a script for the movie adaptation of the sixth book in the series, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and corrected a passage in which Dumbledore was reminiscing about past loves by crossing it out and scrawling "Dumbledore is gay" over it.

Rowling, a mother of three, is now estimated to be worth $US1.12 billion ($NZ1.49 billion), making her the first dollar-billionaire author.

"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" – the seventh and final book in the boy wizard series – became the fastest-selling book in history when it was released in July.

More than 11 million copies were sold in the first 24 hours in the United States and Britain.

Sunday, October 21, 2007





Friday, October 19, 2007



Monday, October 15, 2007

Repeal 377A

I strongly feel that local arts scene is getting more vocal and interesting!

Sunday, October 14, 2007



Saturday, October 06, 2007

A Visit To Taipei 101

This is the famous Taipei 101!

Looking down from Taipei 101, very much like our Equinox.
The time it took to reach the top!
I liked this postal box! So "dreamy".

Thursday, October 04, 2007



Wednesday, October 03, 2007



Sunday, September 30, 2007

蔡依林 - 爱无赦 MV

I was sharing with my honey how much I loved this song and MV when I saw it on TV during our 台北 trip. I simply loved this 台味十足, 臭阿莲 (Chao Ah Lian) techno-based and 摇头 beat 的舞曲, and of course the way Jolin danced in this MV. A personal favourite!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007










隔天,去Taipei 101然后一路走到中正纪念堂,间中去了华纳影城,新城等等。


Sunday, September 16, 2007

思念是一种病 - 张震岳,蔡建雅 (Guest Vocals)

另一首阿岳好好听的歌,这次则找来了同家公司的蔡建雅当Guest vocals 合作"思念是一种病"!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

就让这首歌-张震岳,侯佩岑, MC HotDog


快乐有GO正-JR, 杨千霈,王彩桦,阿亮


康熙來了 - 阿雅消失的15個月? part1




Saturday, September 08, 2007

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Hairspray - Go Watch It!

Watched "Hairspray" tonight with my honey. Gosh, I loved this movie, so campy and fun and uplifting!

The movie is full of wonderful songs and every actor puts in his / her best effort to make it a must watch!

Zac Efron is so young yet so charming!

James Marsden is still so suave and attractive.

Queen Latifah is subtle yet memorable.

Nikki Blonsky though a newbie is wonderfully bubbly and lovable.

Michelle Pfeiffer is so charmingly vampish and sexy.

John Travolta totally transformed himself that there isn't a trace of John Travolta at all!

Christopher Walken is understated as a father every daughter would love to have and Amanda Bynes is lovably bimbotic yet not over the top.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

881 观后感

昨晚和 honey, Lawrence 及 Aaron 在 Plaza Singapura 看了午夜场的881,觉得连日来的口碑有点过于抬举该片了。故事的节构过于牵强不过还好的是,影片有一推非常好听的福建歌而演员们也很卖力地演出尤其刘玲玲,王欣和杨雁雁最称职也最够味!影片因她们和那些福建歌及服装而有了味道。

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hooked On "Brothers and Sisters"

I am so hooked on this show "Brothers and Sisters"! I loved the dyfunctional family and how everybody has their own closet secrets and yet at the end of the day, still stays close knitted as a family. Loved the show after Ally Mcbeal, Alias, Desperate Housewives and X-Files.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Wonderful Birthday (Courtesy From My Honey! :D)

(This is the ONE and ONLY piece of swimming trunk in Singapore and some say, in the world. It is specially designed by my honey!! Ain't he such a darling and incredibly talented? And he had made all arrangements today without having me to twitch a single brain cell. Now, all together, let's say "Aww.....")

Woah, had a wonderful birthday celebration today, courtesy from my honey! A mouth watering lunch at Merchant Court Hotel with him and a friend of ours then stroll the streets like a trio of Tai-Tais then sipped coffee at Pacific Coffee and spilled a glass full of drink onto myself then rushed over to Marina Square to get full set of new clothings for myself! So exciting!

After that, met up with another 3 friends for dinner and drinks at Novena Square, all kindly arranged by my honey and F.T.

And this year, I was greeted with numerous well wishes calls from friends early in the morning and a variety of gifts!

I also had a fantastic dinner with my family which was paid by my sister last night! Nice wonderful birthday with so many people pampering and wishing me.
(This slim fit shirt is from F & S, sure know how to show off my slender figure. And puleaseee.....I am not and was never 32!! I am still a proud 29 yah :) Thanks!)

(These are from S.W. & J.X, they actually "calculated" my "timings" and choose these to "match" my suitability. So thoughful! Thanks!)

Monday, August 13, 2007

King Of The World

This may be the week you may well be declared king of the world, Covan, or at least of the part of your domain that you inhabit. With a powerful array of planets in your sign of Leo, namely you ruler the illustrious Sun, karmic Saturn, clever Mercury, and Venus retrograde, you have so much energy swirling around you that there is nothing you cannot accomplish. Your ability to motivate yourself and others is at an all-time high, and if anyone needs a pep talk or a lift out of the doldrums, you are the person they should talk to. You might even consider putting out a self-help book or sign yourself up to give speeches aimed at encouraging those who are not as full of confidence as you are! This is your time to shine and beam your bright light across the Universe. If you want to go onstage or become a performance artist, on Sunday the Sun in Leo trines Pluto in your sector of entertainment, making it a great day for you to audition. You might consider doing voice-overs in commercials or check out the possibilities of working as a movie or television extra, to get started in the business.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Beyonce Falls During Performance And Got Right Back To Perform!

Oh my god, that was such a hard fall and she was so professional to carry on. If it was me, I would have just sat there and laughed and refused to sing & dance liao!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Storyboard For My School Project - Once Again, All Thanks To My Honey!

Here is the storyboard that my talented and creative honey did for my school project, I am so blessed to have him in my life! Like what my family said "真是太有才华了!"

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Press Kit For My School Project - Thanks to my honey!

Ain't my honey simply talented and wonderfully creative? My whole family keep singing their praises about his creativity and talents! He had single-handedly did up my press kit for school project!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Complimentary Harry Porter Tixs

Thanks Jeffery for the complimentary Harry Porter & The Order of The Phoenix tickets last night!
It was a much darker theme as compared to the previous instalments and lesser magical moments as well..

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Thank you, handsome!

I am so lucky to have a creative and wonderful honey! He has helped me solve any creative difficulties for my school project and he did it with such gusto that the end results are perfect! He has taught me so much more about the creativity industry and opened up a whole new perspective in my life. Thank you and I really love you more each day!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Spend Your Last Penny On "Dim Sum Dollies"!

I really have to and must say that I regretted for missing out on the previous 2 Dollies outings because I had never laughed so hard for more than 2 hours in one night!

Tonight, My honey and me thoroughly enjoyed the subtle and not-so-subtle digs, the fast and furious accents and joyous singings from the Dollies.

When I heard the trio sang "One Night Only", I just simply knew they are gonna to do "And I Am Telling You, I Am Not Going". It was so funny when they incorporated this hit by Jennifer Hudson into their segment.

Really hats off to the 4somes for imitating the different accents so realistically! They did Indian, Chinese, Malay, English, Japanese, Hokkien and Cantonese perfect to a T!

I was really surprised that Hossan Leong almost stole the limelight from the Dollies as he was simply eye-catching and so at ease with the chameleons.

Emma Yong has the best vocals among the trio (as usual though uncomparable to her stellar turn in "Cabaret").

Pam Oei simply has that comical look and feel about her that puts anyone and everyone at ease and Selena Tan, always the crowd pleaser.

Worth every single penny spent and we even eagerly decided to go for their "Christmas Concert"!

Friday, July 06, 2007

Go Watch "Transformers"!

I watched "Transformers" last night with my dearest, hand in hand. Hehehee..But it is not the focus of this entry. What I want to say is "This movie is recommended! Go watch it!" The effects and loud explosions and fighting sequences all rolled into one mega ride that was so exciting. Enjoyed it thoroughly!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Just A BIG Thank You

I have coughing recently and am reluctant to see a doctor (since possibility of getting a medical certificate for coughing is very low).

Those around me have to endure my incessant coughing, but I must say a BIG thank you to my family, my honey, K & J.

They have been extremely helpful to get me different medication for my cough.

I am still taking the medication and if it doesn't get well by next week, guess I have no choice but to see a doctor...

Friday, June 22, 2007

Wonderful Birthday Presents In Advance

I have received 2 wonderful birthday presents in advance! 1 is an airfare ticket to Taipei from my honey and another a LV pouch from my sister. Such nice presents way before my birthday in August. Great! Thanks!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Fantastic Four - Rise Of The Silver Surfer

Watched "Fantastic Four - Rise Of The Silver Surfer" yesterday and wasn't too disappointed with the movie. The effects were ok and plot not too cheesy. Silver Surfer was simply cool! Jessica Alba so darn sexy and pretty and Chris Evans, geez, he is just smoking hot!

Friday, June 15, 2007

One More High Key ICT Down

  • Yay! Another high key ICT down!
  • Finally, today is the outprocess date for this workyear ICT and another high key done and over with!
  • Enough with the hot and dry weather, dusty environment and stinky thick uniform though the last day of my ICT was drenched to the skin due to the heavy downpour.
  • I was so looking forward to getting out of that stiffy and yucky uniform! Hahaha!

Thursday, June 07, 2007



(PS: Oh yah, I have deleted the fictional story "Redemption" from my blog as I am still having difficulties adjusting the paragraphing on the blog. It looked really untidy and irritating with whole chunk of words that were not properly paragraphed. So if you were reading the story for the first time and would like to continue, let me know and I will email the story over.)

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Relaxed Celebration @ Equinox

  • We had a relaxed celebration at the Equinox today.
  • I was thankful that my honey was there with us as well and his gift caused her to feel bad as we had numerously "reminded" him not to get any gifts.
  • It was also a pleasant surprise to see my classmate and her family there, and my! her boys are really good looking!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Stay @ Ritz Carlton

Stayed at Ritz Carlton over the weekend with my honey. I was impressed with their attentive service, sweet personal touch and warm at home feel. The room wasn't as huge as I had hoped it to be but the by the window bathtub was good and offered a splendid skyline. The breakfast was above average as well, it was a relaxing getaway for us though I didn't get to do any official work according to my plan (just pretending to be hardworking and showing that my work is consuming me. Hahaha). I will choose to stay there again.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Priates Of The Caribbean At World's End

Watched "Pirates Of The Caribbean At World's End" last night and I was disappointed with the movie. It was patchy and nowhere as nice and fun as "Dead Man's Chest". The marketing team has definitely drum up the anticipation too much and it killed this movie. Not recommended.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Jordin Sparks - Winner of latest AI contest

When I watched American Idol Finale last night, I felt it was lackluste. The fighting wasn't really close and both finalists weren't really pulling all stops to fight. My verdict? Best vocal goes to Jordin and best performance belongs to Blake. And I am glad that substance was chosen over gimmicky as music is all about longevity. Congrats to Jordin Sparks for being crowned the latest AI winner!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Phantom Of The Opera

Watched "The Phantom Of The Opera" last night with my honey. It was awesome! The props were great, the singing immaculate but the acting lacked some serious oomph. Still, it was worth all the moolah spent.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Worthy Final 4 For AI6

Just saw the news flash for the final 4 for AI6, they are Lakisha, Blake, Melinda & Jordin! It is indeed the most worthy final 4 for this season. Blake is very unique and dares to bring his own music persona onto the songs he perform, he stands out easily among his peers for all 6 seasons but is America ready for such an artiste? The powerhouses of the 3 divas are my favs, and I have secretly harboured the hope of seeing all 3 of them slugging it on the finals night. Jordin Sparks is young and full of potential. Lakisha Jones is feisty but able to tone down when the need arises (I always have a soft spot for plus size powerhouses) and I love big girls who are willing to embrace their sizes and be confident. Melinda Doolittle is such a sweet and humble lady but her innocence demeanour might be translated into fake act if overdone. Still, her voice is the most controlled and impressive among the lot. I love these final 4!

New Zealand - Changes to the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) and median wage

From 10 March 2025, employers recruiting workers under the AEWV and seasonal SPWV policies will no longer be required to pay the median wage...