Monday, August 13, 2007

King Of The World

This may be the week you may well be declared king of the world, Covan, or at least of the part of your domain that you inhabit. With a powerful array of planets in your sign of Leo, namely you ruler the illustrious Sun, karmic Saturn, clever Mercury, and Venus retrograde, you have so much energy swirling around you that there is nothing you cannot accomplish. Your ability to motivate yourself and others is at an all-time high, and if anyone needs a pep talk or a lift out of the doldrums, you are the person they should talk to. You might even consider putting out a self-help book or sign yourself up to give speeches aimed at encouraging those who are not as full of confidence as you are! This is your time to shine and beam your bright light across the Universe. If you want to go onstage or become a performance artist, on Sunday the Sun in Leo trines Pluto in your sector of entertainment, making it a great day for you to audition. You might consider doing voice-overs in commercials or check out the possibilities of working as a movie or television extra, to get started in the business.

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