Sunday, October 28, 2007

蔡依林 - 日不落



Anonymous said...

i like him

Buaya said...

Mmm... Yes... Jolin looks very refreshed and pretty... Very Korean too...

You realised that as men age, some age to be more attractive than when they were younger? ;) Good for him... :)

covantai said...

I think not all men age gracefully. 1 good example is 林志颖, he looked much haggard as he aged. Though, others like Aaron Kwok and of course 冯德伦 look better as time goes by. :D

Anonymous said...

hint hint : only gay men aged to look better

Buaya said...

Aiyoh... Just becos he acted in Bishonen does not mean he is gay lah... :p

Anonymous said...

he is not gay lar.. actually i dun really like tis song,, only the beautiful couple created something interesting for this song...:)


Anonymous said...

buaya u reading too much
i never say he is gay

U also just mention men in general, isnt it :P

covantai said...

If tabloids are to be believed, he is so much in love with Karen Mok lor. :)

covantai said...

Szenguan, I m getting bery cheena nowadays and suddenly like her new songs a lot leh!

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