Thursday, December 30, 2010

3 giant spaceships will attack Earth in 2012: researchers

A report by the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) in the United States said that there are three giant spaceships which are heading towards Earth.

According to the Russian Pravda news, the SETI, a non-commercial organization said that the largest one of the three spaceships is 240 kilometers wide, and the two others are smaller.

It further stated that currently, the objects are beyond the orbit of Pluto and will reach Earth in December 2012.

The report claims that the spaceships were detected by the HAARP search system, based in Alaska, which is designed to study the phenomenon of northern lights.

According to the SETI researchers the objects are nothing but extraterrestrial spaceships, and will be visible in optical telescopes as soon as they reach Mars' orbit, reported the Pravda news.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Rihanna - Only Girl (In The World)

I have not really warm up to Rihanna yet but she is really BIG these couple of years...

Monday, November 08, 2010

Charice on Oprah - I Have Nothing

Holy shit! I hate to say this but Charice's performance made this Whitney's hit her own and yes, even outshone Whitney herself. I am so watching out her performance on Glee 2!

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Glee Season 2

Charice "LISTEN" at GLEE - Audition Episode

Glee Rachel & Sunshine - Telephone

Glee Brittany - I'm a Slave 4 U

Glee Me Against the Music HD

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

陈奕迅 - 爱情转移 MV


Saturday, October 16, 2010

蕭亞軒 & 羅志祥 - "WOW" MV / 蕭亞軒 - 不愛‧請閃開 MV

蕭亞軒 不愛‧請閃開

萧亚轩 - 潇洒小姐 MV


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Girls Generation & Wonder Girls

No wonder Korean groups are all the rage now in Asia, everyone of them are so well "manufactured" and looking good!

Girls Generation - Gee (baby baby)

Wonder Girls - 2 Different Tears (MV)

And of course who can forget the Wonder Girls who brought back old school glamour at full blast!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

大嘴巴- 沒禮貌 MV

Give me Da Mouth over 飞轮海 anytime. 至少大嘴巴较真诚,不做作,形也很好。加油!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Dinner @ MIn Jiang Goodwoodpark Hotel

Guess this is the "icon" of Goodwoodpark Hotel when you entered from the red-carpeted stairs..

My favourite dish from Min Jiang, their signature dish - Peking Roast Duck. Yum yum! And my mum liked it too.

Our 2nd dish was Diced Chicken with Dried Chilli. Pretty good, I must say. Even my mum commented that it was good except a little sweet. And by her standards, to say a dish is good, it MUST be good.

The next dish was Seafood Tofu Claypot, it didn't really pass my mum's standards but I kinda like it after trying it for the 2nd time in 3 weeks.

The remaining of the Peking Roast Duck was cooked with the noodles, this dish was our last dish and also my honey's favourite from Min Jiang. But once again, it did not really make the grade for my mum. Hahahah...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Should it be Elva?

Or Ah-Mei instead? Let's not forget Ah-Mei had already been the spokesperson once.

蔡依林 Jolin - 美人計 [HQ完整版MV]

The Mandopop Queen is back in full force! Seems like Jolin is still on a roll and not doing any wrong once again.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hebe - LOVE MV

Hebe of SHE has ventured out on her own. Her solo debut album is out! LOVE is her first single but honestly, it does not justify her vocals and neither does it shout "No. 1". What a waste!

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Spending time at 1-Altitude One Raffles Place

This is the rooftop bar counter at 63rd floor.

Looking down from the 63rd floor on 1-Altitude at Marina Floating Bay Platform.

Fireworks display from the NDP rehearsal and we caught it on firm before the actual parade!

Looking down from the 63rd floor on 1-Altitude at the Padang where YOG is having their rehearsal.

Admiring the neon-lit skyline of Marina Bay Sands from the 63rd floor on 1-Altitude.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Now You See It Now You Don't

This is me and my greatest love before I go for my shaving for Hair For Hope 2010.

Voila! This is me and my greatest love after my shave! Is it a lot of difference?

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Kylie Minogue - All The Lovers MV

Kylie is back! Her new single All The Lovers MV may reek of "Slow" male-erotica but she has upped herself again, by showing more male-male action (ie. kissing scene! caressing scene!) in the MV.

Glee Cast On Oprah!

Ok ok, I admit that I am a fan of Oprah. And with the cast of Glee making it to Oprah, oh my! I LOVE Oprah!!

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Shaving Timeslot for Hair For Hope 2010

Shouting out to all my friends - My shaving timeslot for Hair For Hope 2010 @ Vivocity on 25 July is between 1 - 2 pm. I will be there by 12pm to register. Come and have a good laugh during my shaving timeslot. Meanwhile, Children Cancer Foundation still needs your donations for the children so keep them coming!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Gay McDonald TVC in France

Personally, I am very impressed with the daring approach the French Mcdonalds took in this TVC.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

More antics from the 3 year old

The youngest one is shaping up to be quite a casanova and more tongue in cheek responses.

I was asking him last night if his best friend, YF, continues to bully him. And the excerpts as below:

Me: Tell me does YF still beat you?
C: But she kissed me. Then teacher scolded her. She cried.
Me: She kissed you? Where did she kiss you? Why did she kiss you?
(He just keep on laughing and refused to share more.....)

He continues to stress my mum out...:
C: Ah-ma! Can draw for me Mickey Mouse?
My mum: 我不懂Mickey Mouse
C: DRAW FOR ME MICKEY MOUSE!! (He protested and his volume edged several notches)
My mum had no choice so she just drew something that resembled a mouse to pacify him.
C: 都不是这样。你不会!
My mum: 你这样利害,你自己画咯。
C: Err...我也不会叻。

Thursday, June 03, 2010

SNSD + 2PM - Cabi Song

This is such an eye pleasing MV, the Koreans can't seem to do any wrong recently.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Please Donate In Support of Hair For Hope 2010

I will be participating in Hair For Hope 2010, this will be the 2nd time that I am shaving my hair for the event.

I hope you can donate to my profile in support of the event and we can together put a bigger smile on the children's faces...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tokyo DisneySea - Fire Display

Tokyo DisneySea - Parade

Tokyo DisneySea - Inside The Mermaid Lair

Spending Time In Odaiba Tokyo

We actually scaled that bridge and walked a good 30 minutes, I think.

This cutie is actually a temperature scanner. Touch the button and it will show you the current temperature.

Why the Statue of Liberty is here in Odaiba puzzled us....

This man made beach is really serene and offers a fantastic scenery.

Ok, this is not the office of Ultra-man but their TV station.

Monday, May 17, 2010

POWER WOMEN Concert on 15 May 2010

Guess it's right when people say the evergreens definitely can sing better. So while the likes of Sammi Cheng and Aaron Kwok may have the penultimate showmanship, Jay Chou and MayDay have the box office clout, they paled in comparison when comes to vocal gymnastics vis-a-vis the POWER WOMEN whom are 潘越云,齐豫,黄小琥 and 万芳.

Their POWER WOMEN concert was laced with golden hits that have accompanied those born from the 60s to the 70s. And their strong vocals really put a lot of the "superstars" currently in favour to shame.

Enjoyed their concert tremendously though was disappointed with only 1 encore (sang only 1 song at that!). But then again, at their age, at 11pm is probably way past their usual sleeping time....

Friday, April 23, 2010

Glee tribute to Madonna - Like A Prayer

Once again, Glee succeeded in making audiences all so gleeful and gleeingly excited!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Glee - My Life Would Suck Without You

It is so gleeful watching "Glee".I am so enjoying it...

Glee - Sue Pays Homage to Maddy's "Vogue"

Who would have expected the butch Sue Sylvester to be able to pull off a stunt paying homage to Madonna?

By the way, Jane Lynch (the actress playing Sue) is a lesbian in real life... so is the young actor playing the gay character in the show as well. Who says Glee is not the gayest TV show in history?!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Lin Yu Chun Sings Whitney Houston's 'I Will Always Love You'

He is now the hottest sensation in Taiwan, the media had dubbed him Susan Boyle of Asia. That's how impressive he is.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Antics of a 3 year old

Scenario 1

He came running to me, roll up his t-shirt, touch his belly, and proudly said "Look at my hamburger stomach! I have baby inside my stomach!The baby is talking."

Scenario 2

He was watching a drama serial with me. There was a scene of a small boy struggling to trek in the water. The boy was drowning and was screaming for his mother.

His eyes welled up with tears and I saw it, I asked him what's wrong. He replied "I am very sad for the boy..."

Scenario 3

When I came home and saw him play acting nail polish with his brother. He proudly pronounced "I am a girl. I am doing my nails."

Scenario 4

I asked him to join his brother to clean up the mess, he strolled to the messy area, slumped onto the sofa and mumbled "I cannot clear up so much leh...." and use his eye power to "assist" his brother.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Batam Getaway - 27 March to 28 March 2010

Had a relaxing weekend getaway at Batam. The sun was scotching hot and I am now having sunburnt..should have applied more lotion...
Did I also mention that I am down with stomach flu too? Been in and out of the toilet for more than 20 times in a day!

Still, it was fun going away with a group of friends and of course, with my honey tagging along...made the trip even more enjoyable!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Lady Gaga & Beyonce - Telephone (clean up version)

Lady Gaga is a really interesting artiste. Love this video. Always enjoy seeing Beyonce taking on a Diva persona rather than Miss Congeniality's mode. These ladies are fun!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Farewell Gift

Received a farewell gift bag from my colleagues. These are inside the gift bag. Thanks peeps!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Taipei - March 2010 (Day 4 - Part 2)

Heading home soon.

First time departing from Taipei Airport Terminal 2, they have done a nice job to make T2 much much more interesting and hippy than T1.

So cute, remind me of DisneyLand in Tokyo.

So pinksy cute.

A cute restuarant with a real life golden retrieval as their mascot, did not take picture of that huge cutesy but instead took this photo of their wall.

New Zealand - Changes to the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) and median wage

From 10 March 2025, employers recruiting workers under the AEWV and seasonal SPWV policies will no longer be required to pay the median wage...