Friday, February 19, 2021

India - Standard Operating Procedure Guidelines For International Arrivals wef 22 February 2021

In the context of COVID-19, Government of India is following point of entry procedures for identifying International travellers, particularly at-risk travellers to India through multi-pronged strategy of thermal screening and testing. 

There is increasing evidence that the mutant variant of SARS-CoV-2 are in circulation in many countries and these mutant variants are driving the pandemic in their country of origin. So far, the three SARSCoV-2 variants in circulation viz-a-viz (i) UK Variant [VOC 202012/01 (B.1.1.7)] (ii) South Africa variant [501Y.V2 (B.1.351)] and (iii) Brazil variant [P.1 (P.1)] - have been detected in 86, 44 and 15 countries respectively. 

All three variants have demonstrated increased transmissibility, as reported by World Health Organization. 

Scope Ministry Health of Family & Welfare in consultation with Ministry of Civil Aviation has reviewed the situation with regard to point of entry actions required to minimize the risk of importation of mutant strains of SARS-CoV-2. 

This document addresses all the actions that need to be taken in two parts: • Part (A) Standard Operating Procedures for all international travellers coming to India • Part (B) Additional procedures for those coming from United Kingdom, Europe and Middle East. 

The entry Airports for flight services would be decided by Ministry of Civil Aviation based on the Bilateral/ Vande Bharat Mission (VBM) flights. This Standard Operating Procedure shall be valid w.e.f. 22 nd February 2021 (23.59 Hrs IST) till further orders. 

Based on the risk assessment, this document shall be reviewed from time to time.

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