Friday, March 27, 2015

Remembering Mr Lee Kuan Yew

Please be respectful & thankful. Singapore needed a leader with visions and idealisms, Mr Lee did just that (and much more). 

Mr Lee had also acknowledged that not all policies hit the bulls eye so that is another virtue, HONESTY, for that is what many of us lack. 

Singaporeans will not be able to argue what we are complaining now, if not for Mr Lee's leadership, we are almost certain worrying or fighting over unemployment rates, fiscal deficit, racial disharmony, corruption, lack of education & infrastructure. 

We won't have the luxury to shun jobs we do not want to do & have to take on hard labour overseas to make ends meet. 

So please, be mature & think deeper, this is Mr Lee's moment and any self respecting Singaporeans should not discredit Mr Lee's legacy.

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