Sunday, August 26, 2007

881 观后感

昨晚和 honey, Lawrence 及 Aaron 在 Plaza Singapura 看了午夜场的881,觉得连日来的口碑有点过于抬举该片了。故事的节构过于牵强不过还好的是,影片有一推非常好听的福建歌而演员们也很卖力地演出尤其刘玲玲,王欣和杨雁雁最称职也最够味!影片因她们和那些福建歌及服装而有了味道。

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hooked On "Brothers and Sisters"

I am so hooked on this show "Brothers and Sisters"! I loved the dyfunctional family and how everybody has their own closet secrets and yet at the end of the day, still stays close knitted as a family. Loved the show after Ally Mcbeal, Alias, Desperate Housewives and X-Files.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Wonderful Birthday (Courtesy From My Honey! :D)

(This is the ONE and ONLY piece of swimming trunk in Singapore and some say, in the world. It is specially designed by my honey!! Ain't he such a darling and incredibly talented? And he had made all arrangements today without having me to twitch a single brain cell. Now, all together, let's say "Aww.....")

Woah, had a wonderful birthday celebration today, courtesy from my honey! A mouth watering lunch at Merchant Court Hotel with him and a friend of ours then stroll the streets like a trio of Tai-Tais then sipped coffee at Pacific Coffee and spilled a glass full of drink onto myself then rushed over to Marina Square to get full set of new clothings for myself! So exciting!

After that, met up with another 3 friends for dinner and drinks at Novena Square, all kindly arranged by my honey and F.T.

And this year, I was greeted with numerous well wishes calls from friends early in the morning and a variety of gifts!

I also had a fantastic dinner with my family which was paid by my sister last night! Nice wonderful birthday with so many people pampering and wishing me.
(This slim fit shirt is from F & S, sure know how to show off my slender figure. And puleaseee.....I am not and was never 32!! I am still a proud 29 yah :) Thanks!)

(These are from S.W. & J.X, they actually "calculated" my "timings" and choose these to "match" my suitability. So thoughful! Thanks!)

Monday, August 13, 2007

King Of The World

This may be the week you may well be declared king of the world, Covan, or at least of the part of your domain that you inhabit. With a powerful array of planets in your sign of Leo, namely you ruler the illustrious Sun, karmic Saturn, clever Mercury, and Venus retrograde, you have so much energy swirling around you that there is nothing you cannot accomplish. Your ability to motivate yourself and others is at an all-time high, and if anyone needs a pep talk or a lift out of the doldrums, you are the person they should talk to. You might even consider putting out a self-help book or sign yourself up to give speeches aimed at encouraging those who are not as full of confidence as you are! This is your time to shine and beam your bright light across the Universe. If you want to go onstage or become a performance artist, on Sunday the Sun in Leo trines Pluto in your sector of entertainment, making it a great day for you to audition. You might consider doing voice-overs in commercials or check out the possibilities of working as a movie or television extra, to get started in the business.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Beyonce Falls During Performance And Got Right Back To Perform!

Oh my god, that was such a hard fall and she was so professional to carry on. If it was me, I would have just sat there and laughed and refused to sing & dance liao!

Australia - Annual indexation of skilled visa income thresholds from 1 July 2025

From 1 July 2025, skilled visa income thresholds will be increased by 4.6%.   Income thresholds are indexed annually so wages for skilled mi...