Friday, July 20, 2007

Storyboard For My School Project - Once Again, All Thanks To My Honey!

Here is the storyboard that my talented and creative honey did for my school project, I am so blessed to have him in my life! Like what my family said "真是太有才华了!"

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Press Kit For My School Project - Thanks to my honey!

Ain't my honey simply talented and wonderfully creative? My whole family keep singing their praises about his creativity and talents! He had single-handedly did up my press kit for school project!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Complimentary Harry Porter Tixs

Thanks Jeffery for the complimentary Harry Porter & The Order of The Phoenix tickets last night!
It was a much darker theme as compared to the previous instalments and lesser magical moments as well..

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Thank you, handsome!

I am so lucky to have a creative and wonderful honey! He has helped me solve any creative difficulties for my school project and he did it with such gusto that the end results are perfect! He has taught me so much more about the creativity industry and opened up a whole new perspective in my life. Thank you and I really love you more each day!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Spend Your Last Penny On "Dim Sum Dollies"!

I really have to and must say that I regretted for missing out on the previous 2 Dollies outings because I had never laughed so hard for more than 2 hours in one night!

Tonight, My honey and me thoroughly enjoyed the subtle and not-so-subtle digs, the fast and furious accents and joyous singings from the Dollies.

When I heard the trio sang "One Night Only", I just simply knew they are gonna to do "And I Am Telling You, I Am Not Going". It was so funny when they incorporated this hit by Jennifer Hudson into their segment.

Really hats off to the 4somes for imitating the different accents so realistically! They did Indian, Chinese, Malay, English, Japanese, Hokkien and Cantonese perfect to a T!

I was really surprised that Hossan Leong almost stole the limelight from the Dollies as he was simply eye-catching and so at ease with the chameleons.

Emma Yong has the best vocals among the trio (as usual though uncomparable to her stellar turn in "Cabaret").

Pam Oei simply has that comical look and feel about her that puts anyone and everyone at ease and Selena Tan, always the crowd pleaser.

Worth every single penny spent and we even eagerly decided to go for their "Christmas Concert"!

Friday, July 06, 2007

Go Watch "Transformers"!

I watched "Transformers" last night with my dearest, hand in hand. Hehehee..But it is not the focus of this entry. What I want to say is "This movie is recommended! Go watch it!" The effects and loud explosions and fighting sequences all rolled into one mega ride that was so exciting. Enjoyed it thoroughly!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Just A BIG Thank You

I have coughing recently and am reluctant to see a doctor (since possibility of getting a medical certificate for coughing is very low).

Those around me have to endure my incessant coughing, but I must say a BIG thank you to my family, my honey, K & J.

They have been extremely helpful to get me different medication for my cough.

I am still taking the medication and if it doesn't get well by next week, guess I have no choice but to see a doctor...

New Zealand - Changes to the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) and median wage

From 10 March 2025, employers recruiting workers under the AEWV and seasonal SPWV policies will no longer be required to pay the median wage...