Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Singapore - A joint Vaccinated Travel Lanes (VTL) with Malaysia for travel between Changi Airport and Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) and VTLs will also be extended to Finland and Sweden from 29 November 2021

A joint Vaccinated Travel Lanes (VTL) with Malaysia for travel between Changi Airport and Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) will be launched on 29 November 2021. 

Vaccinated Travel Pass applications for Short-Term Visitors and Long-Term Pass Holders will commence on 22 November 2021. Returning Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents who are fully vaccinated will not need to apply. 

VTLs will also be extended to Finland and Sweden from 29 November 2021, with applications for Short-Term Visitors and Long-Term Pass Holders commencing on 22 November 2021.  

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