Friday, July 30, 2021

蔡健雅 Tanya Chua -《Bluebirds》Official MV

蔡健雅 Tanya Chua -《Bluebirds》Official MV 今天首播!这首很对哥的味,赞!强推!

Bluebirds bluebirds in the sky
Tell me that I’ll be alright
Bluebirds bluebirds flying high
Tell me it will be alright

眼前的路 看似有點模糊 我看不清楚
我甩不掉 心中那份絕望 該死的絕望
好想飛到 沒有人的地方
在那地方 徹底把它埋葬
望著天空吶喊 請你還我自由

Bluebirds bluebirds in the sky
Tell me that I’ll be alright
Bluebirds bluebirds flying high
Tell me it will be alright

星光閃爍 給了無數承諾 煽情的煙火
厭倦謊言 厭倦人間是非 該死的是非
好想飛到 最遙遠的地方
在那地方 萬物都是善良
望著天空吶喊 請你還我希望

Bluebirds bluebirds in the sky
Tell me that I’ll be alright
Bluebirds bluebirds flying high
Tell me it will be alright

Bluebirds bluebirds in the sky
Tell me that I’ll be alright
Bluebirds bluebirds flying high
Tell me it will be alright
Bluebirds bluebirds in the sky
Tell me that I’ll be alright
Bluebirds bluebirds flying high
Tell me we will be alright

Bluebirds bluebirds flying high
Tell me we will be alright

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