Friday, November 06, 2020

UK - Germany and Sweden removed from travel corridor list of exempt countries

  • new national restrictions introduced today (5 November 2020) mean it’s no longer permitted to travel for holidays, with those in breach of the rules facing penalties starting at £200 and rising to a maximum of £6,400
  • inbound international travel will continue to be governed by the travel corridor approach; must also follow the UK’s domestic regulations
  • Germany and Sweden have been removed from the list of UK travel corridors having been assessed by the Joint Biosecurity Centre as posing a heightened infection risk
Passengers arriving into the UK from Germany and Sweden from 4am on Saturday 7 November 2020 will need to self-isolate for 2 weeks before then following domestic rules, as travel corridors continue to be used to protect the nation from imported cases of coronavirus (COVID-19).

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