Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) issued an Order today with Guidelines for
Surveillance, Containment and Caution, which will be effective from
December 1, 2020 and to remain in force up to 31.12.2020.
Monday, November 30, 2020
HKSAR - Schools to suspend classes
The Government announced all kindergartens as well as primary and secondary schools will suspend face-to-face classes and school activities starting from December 2 until the beginning of the school Christmas holidays.
Tutorial schools will suspend face-to-face classes for two weeks.
Tutorial schools will suspend face-to-face classes for two weeks.
Friday, November 27, 2020
Singapore - Travellers from Finland and Turkey entering Singapore from 28 November 2020, 2359 hours to serve 14-Day Stay-Home Notice (SHN) at dedicated SHN facilities
The Multi-Ministry Taskforce has been closely monitoring the global COVID-19 situation, and will be tightening border measures given the increase in cases in Finland and Turkey.
In addition, to ensure the continued safe resumption of social and economic activities, the Taskforce will extend its community surveillance testing operations to more identified groups in the community.
As there has been a recent increase in cases reported by Finland and Turkey, all travellers entering Singapore from 28 November 2020, 2359 hours, who have a travel history in the past 14 days to Finland and Turkey will be required to serve a 14-day Stay-Home Notice (SHN) at dedicated SHN facilities, even if they have obtained approval to opt-out earlier.
蔡依林 Jolin Tsai X 頑童MJ116「辣台妹 / Play 我呸 / 幹大事」Official Live Video
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Scotland - Vital support to offset Brexit damage
Contingency plans have been put in place by the Scottish Government to cope with the damaging impacts of Brexit.
Measures to mitigate the worst effects of leaving the European Union (EU) on December 31 will target support at health services, businesses and at risk communities.
UK - Local restriction tier system that will be in place from Wednesday 2 December
The current national restriction rules are still in place until 2 December and must be followed until they expire.
When meeting people you do not live with, it is important to do so outdoors where possible, or to make sure that any indoor venue has good ventilation (for example by opening windows so that fresh air can enter).
Scotland - Cautious approach to Christmas
The Scottish Government has agreed a cautious and limited relaxation of the rules on household meetings to support people over the Christmas period.
A maximum of three households are to be able to meet in a “bubble” during a short window of time across the festive period.
European Union - EU consumers will soon be able to defend their rights collectively
Parliament today endorsed a new law that will allow groups of consumers to join forces and launch collective action in the EU.
The new rules introduce a harmonised model for representative action in all member states that guarantees consumers are well protected against mass harm, while ensuring appropriate safeguards to avoid abusive lawsuits.
HKSAR - Social distancing measures tightened / New rules for leisure venues
Secretary for Food & Health Prof Sophia Chan announced the further tightening of social distancing measures starting November 26, including the closure of bars or pubs.
The Leisure & Cultural Services Department announced that anti-epidemic measures will be imposed on dance activities at its venues in view of the latest COVID-19 situation.
UK - UK-wide Christmas arrangements agreed by the UK Government and the Devolved Administrations
The UK Government and the Devolved Administrations have agreed on joint arrangements for an easing of social restrictions that will allow friends and loved ones to reunite over the Christmas period.
All four parts of the UK have signed off an aligned approach allowing up to three households to form a ‘Christmas bubble’ from December 23 to 27.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Taylor Swift - exile (folklore: the long pond studio sessions | Disney+)...
We need comforting voices like this during such trying times. <Exile> premiered today!
Australia - Travellers to Australia are asked to complete the Australia Travel Declaration before they travel
Completing the Australia Travel Declaration means relevant health departments can contact you if someone you travelled with tests positive for COVID-19 and can determine any quarantine arrangements.
You are encouraged to complete the Australia Travel Declaration at least 72 hours before you board your flight to Australia.
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Miley Cyrus - Prisoner (Official Video) ft. Dua Lipa
When a shocker princess pairs up with disco princess, you get <Prisoner>!
Prisoner, prisoner
Locked up, can’t get you off my mind
Off my mind
Lord knows I tried a million times
Million times
Oh whoa
Why can’t you, why can’t you
Just let me go
Strung out on a feeling
My hands are tied
Your face on my ceiling
I fantasize
Oh I can’t control it, I can’t control it
I try to replace it
With city lights
I’ll never escape it
I need the high
Oh I can’t control it, I can’t control it
You keep making it harder to stay
But I still can’t run away
I gotta know why can’t you
Why can’t you
Just let me go
Prisoner, prisoner
Locked up, can’t get you off my mind
Off my mind
Lord knows I tried a million times
Million times
Oh whoa
Why can’t you, why can’t you
Just let me go
Prisoner, prisoner
Locked up, can’t get you off my mind
Off my mind
Lord knows I tried a million times
Million times
Oh whoa
Why can’t you, why can’t you
Just let me go
I tasted heaven now I can’t live without it
I can’t forget you and your love is the loudest
Oh I can’t control it, I can’t control it
You keep making it harder to stay
Oh whoa
But I still can’t run away
I gotta know why can’t you
Why can’t you
Just let me go
Prisoner, prisoner
Locked up, can’t get you off my mind
Off my mind
Lord knows I tried a million times
Million times
Oh whoa
Why can’t you, why can’t you
Just let me go
Prisoner, prisoner
Locked up, can’t get you off my mind
Off my mind
Lord knows I tried a million times
Million times
Oh whoa
Why can’t you, why can’t you
Just let me go
Can’t get you off my mind
Why can’t you just let me go
Million times
I wanna know why can’t you
Why can’t you
I wanna know why can’t you
Why can’t you
I gotta know why can’t you
Why can’t you
Just let me go
South Korea - Implementation of Remedy Measure For Those With H-2 Status In Response To Covid-19 Pandemic
Foreign national Koreans have faced growing difficulties in their departure from the ROK due to unexpected suspension of international flight operations amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
In response, a temporary measure granting Permission for Stay will take effect as specified to help ease difficulties for Work and Visit (H-2) status holders and their family members (F-1 status) concerning their departure from the nation due to expiration of stay, as well as to reduce the overall burden on public health authorities.
Monday, November 23, 2020
Taiwan - Triple stimulus vouchers available to APRC holders starting Nov. 16
The triple stimulus voucher program was originally launched on July 15 to allow not only Taiwanese citizens but also their foreign or Chinese spouses with resident permits to purchase them, which effectively spurred consumption in Taiwan.
In expanding the program, around 11,600 Alien Permanent Resident Certificate (APRC) holders and 1,400 foreign diplomats in Taiwan will be able to collect triple stimulus vouchers starting Nov. 16, whereby eligible persons pay NT$1,000 and receive NT$3,000 worth of vouchers, which can be used for the upcoming year-end shopping season.
The deadline to use the vouchers is Dec. 31, 2020.
Philippines - Changes In Travel Restrictions Take Effect 20 November 2020
The Bureau of Immigration (BI) announced that they will be
implementing changes in travel restrictions effective immediately.
BI Commissioner Jaime Morente announced that following the latest resolution of the InterAgency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF), they have
implemented the expanded coverage of foreign nationals allowed to enter the country amid
the Covid-19 pandemic.
UK - Europe-wide awareness campaign to help prepare European citizens for the implementation of the UK’s new Immigration System from 1 January 2021
The UK Government has launched a Europe-wide awareness campaign to help prepare European citizens for the implementation of the UK’s new Immigration System from 1 January 2021, and the launch of new routes on 1 December 2020.
Free movement between the EU and the UK will end at 11pm on 31 December EEA and Swiss citizens will no longer have the automatic right to live in the UK.
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Carrie Underwood & John Legend - Hallelujah (Official Music Video)
Our favourite country Queen + soul legend brings Christmas here early. <Hallelujah> debuts today!!
Singapore - Updated Border Measures For Travellers from Malaysia and Japan
The Multi-Ministry Taskforce has been closely monitoring the global COVID-19 situation and will be tightening border measures given the resurgence of cases in Malaysia and Japan.
All travellers entering Singapore from 22 November 2020, 2359 hours, who have a travel history in the past 14 days to Malaysia will now be required to serve a 14-day Stay-Home Notice (SHN) at dedicated SHN facilities.
All travellers [except Singapore Citizens (SCs) and Permanent Residents (PRs)] entering Singapore from 27 November 2020, 2359 hours, who have a travel history in the past 14 days to Malaysia will be required to take a COVID-19 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test within 72 hours before departure.
All travellers entering Singapore from 22 November 2020, 2359 hours, who have a travel history in the past 14 days to Japan will be required to serve a 14-day SHN at dedicated SHN facilities, even if they have obtained approval to opt out earlier.
Friday, November 20, 2020
New Zealand - Emergency benefit to help temporary visa holders
From 1 December, people on temporary work, student or visitor visas who can’t return home and or support themselves may get an Emergency Benefit from the Ministry of Social Development, Social Development and Employment Minister Carmel Sepuloni announced 20 November.
Previously, temporary visa holders in hardship because of COVID-19 have had support from a temporary programme delivered by Te Tari Taiwhenua, Department of Internal Affairs and the New Zealand Red Cross.
BTS (방탄소년단) 'Life Goes On' Official MV
BTS (방탄소년단) 'Life Goes On' Official MV debuts today!
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Thailand - Center for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) approves 45-day extension of emergency decree
The government’s Center for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) has approved the extension of the emergency decree for 45 days, covering the New Year’s holiday and an international badminton tournament.
The center also approved in principle reduction of the 14-day quarantine period to 10 days.
Australia - Changes To Restrictions in South Australia
A new Direction has been issued in relation to the Stay at Home requirements for South Australia as a Circuit Breaker to the current COVID-19 outbreak.
The Emergency Management (COVID-19) (Stay at Home) Direction 2020 has been issued. This Direction comes into effect as of 12:01 am Thursday 19 November 2020 and is applied alongside all other Directions that are currently in place under the Emergency Management Act 2004 (SA) but prevails where any inconsistencies may arise.
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Ariana Grande - 34+35 (official video)
The most tongue in cheek (yet!) from Ari, you go do the maths :p <34+35> premiered today and already more than a million views racked up!
~ Can you stay up all night? F**k me till the daylight. ~
UK and US sign aviation agreement to protect vital travel links
Transport Secretary signs bilateral agreement safeguarding the future of air travel between the UK and US.
- Transport Secretary, US Secretary of State and US Transportation Secretary co-sign Air Services Agreement ahead of the end of EU transition period
- arrangement safeguards flights between the UK and US
- agreement reinforces the UK’s trading relationship with the US, worth over £230 billion
The Transport Secretary, Grant Shapps, has today (17 November 2020) signed a new bilateral Air Services Agreement safeguarding the future of air travel between the UK and US past the end of the transition period. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo signed on behalf of the US, along with Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao.
Australia - Framework for National Reopening by Christmas
On 13 November, the Commonwealth, New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory agreed to a new ‘Framework for National Reopening Australia by Christmas’ subject to local health advice.
HKSAR - Travel scheme bookings to open
The first batch of quotas under the Return2hk travel scheme will open for applications tomorrow.
Under the scheme, Hong Kong residents who fulfil specified conditions will be exempted from the 14-day compulsory quarantine requirement when they return to Hong Kong from Guangdong or Macau.
Under the scheme, Hong Kong residents who fulfil specified conditions will be exempted from the 14-day compulsory quarantine requirement when they return to Hong Kong from Guangdong or Macau.
US - 2020 federal income tax returns / Register Deadline for Economic Impact Payment
The Internal Revenue Service encouraged taxpayers to take necessary actions this fall to help them file their federal tax returns timely and accurately in 2021, including special steps related to Economic Impact Payments (EIP).
The Internal Revenue Service reminded anyone who doesn't normally file a tax return that they have until 3 p.m. EST this Saturday, November 21, to register with the IRS for an Economic Impact Payment (EIP).
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
China - New policies foster growth of foreign trade
The central government has unveiled a new package of measures to spur the growth of foreign trade, including steps to support exporters' use of new technologies and channels to explore the international market and enhance the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises.
The measures were laid out in a guideline issued by the General Office of the State Council, China's Cabinet, on Nov 9 in a bid to promote the high-quality and innovative development of the foreign trade sector.
New Zealand - Masks to be worn on Auckland public transport and all domestic flights
Masks will need to be worn on all public transport in Auckland and in and out of Auckland and on domestic flights throughout the country from this Thursday, Minister for COVID-19 Response Chris Hipkins said 16 November.
India - Union Home Minister Shri Amit Shah directs slew of measures for controlling the spread of Covid-19 in Delhi at a review meeting
Union Home Minister Shri Amit Shah today reviewed the Covid-19 situation in Delhi, in the backdrop of rising number of cases and the increasing strain on the capacity of medical infrastructure in the hospitals of the Capital.
HKSAR - Social distancing measures tightened
The Government today announced that social distancing measures will be tightened due to the development of COVID-19 in Hong Kong.
Recently, there have been signs of a rebound in local confirmed cases with unknown sources of infection, the Government said in a statement, adding that the fourth wave of the outbreak could be triggered at any moment.
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Friday, November 13, 2020
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Kylie Minogue - Real Groove (INFINITE DISCO)
When Kylie releases a DISCO-infused album, you jolly well sit up and listen to the REAL GROOVE!
Singapore - Tech.Pass to Attract Entrepreneurs and Leaders to Develop Singapore's Status as a Tech Hub
The Economic Development Board (EDB) today announced plans to launch Tech.Pass, a targeted programme to attract founders, leaders and technical experts with experience in established or fast-growing tech companies, so as to contribute to the development of Singapore’s tech ecosystem.
Tech.Pass will allow pass holders flexibility in the participation of activities such as starting and operating a business, being an investor, employee, consultant or director in one or more Singapore-based companies, mentoring start-ups and lecturing at local universities.
The eligibility criteria for applicants and full list of activities can be found in Annex A and Annex B respectively.
Inaugural Singapore-Hong Kong Air Travel Bubble Flights On 22 November
The inaugural Air Travel Bubble (ATB) flights between Singapore and Hong Kong will be on 22 November 2020, following the conclusion of negotiations earlier this week.
The ATB is a milestone arrangement between two aviation hubs and seeks to revive air travel in a safe and progressive way.
The good progress in containing the spread of COVID-19 in Singapore and Hong Kong has given us the confidence to reopen our borders gradually, with safeguards in place to ensure our public health and safety.
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Singapore Customs and the United States Customs and Border Protection sign Letter of Intent to explore Single Window connectivity
Singapore Customs and the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) on 10 November 2020 to explore Single Window connectivity to facilitate cargo clearance and enhance supply chain security.
Singapore - Press Release On All Inbound Travellers Who Are Not SC or PR, except those from lower-risk countries/ regions, will need to take a COVID-19 PCR test within 72 hours before departure
As Singapore continue on our journey towards Phase Three, the Multi-Ministry Taskforce will continue to build on our efforts to enable the public and businesses to resume normal activities as much as possible, within safe limits.
The Multi-Ministry Taskforce aim to safeguard both lives and livelihoods, and will seek to buffer the social and economic impact of the pandemic on Singaporeans, even as we strive to protect Singaporeans from the risk of COVID-19 infection.
To reduce the risks of importation, Singapore have required travellers who are not Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents, and who have recent travel history to India, Indonesia and the Philippines, to present a valid negative COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test to enter or transfer through Singapore.
To further reduce importation risk from similarly high-risk countries/regions, from 17 November 2020 2359 hours, all inbound travellers who are not Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents, except those from lower-risk countries/ regions , will need to take a COVID-19 PCR test within 72 hours before departure. These travellers will still be required to serve their SHN upon arrival in Singapore and be tested at the end of their SHN.
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
France - Since 6 November, visitors coming from Singapore can enter France without any restriction
Following the decision of the European Union to add Singapore to its List of Epidemiologically Safe Countries, visitors coming from Singapore can enter France without any restriction since 6 November.
You only need to carry a sworn declaration that you do not have COVID-19 symptoms.
Monday, November 09, 2020
GFRIEND (여자친구) 'MAGO' Official M/V
Disco is definitely back with vengeance. Premiered today! GFRIEND <MAGO>
Singapore - Updated Border Measures For Travellers From Estonia and Norway
The Multi-Ministry Taskforce has been closely monitoring the global COVID-19 situation.
As there has been a sharp increase in cases in Estonia and Norway in the past week, all travellers entering Singapore from 8 November 2020, 2359 hours who have a travel history in the past 14 days to Estonia and Norway will be required to serve a 14-day Stay-Home Notice (SHN) at dedicated SHN facilities, even if they have obtained approval to opt out earlier.
This is revised from our announcement on 27 October 2020 that travellers from Estonia and Norway were allowed to serve their 14-day SHN at a suitable place of residence.
Friday, November 06, 2020
UK - Germany and Sweden removed from travel corridor list of exempt countries
- new national restrictions introduced today (5 November 2020) mean it’s no longer permitted to travel for holidays, with those in breach of the rules facing penalties starting at £200 and rising to a maximum of £6,400
- inbound international travel will continue to be governed by the travel corridor approach; must also follow the UK’s domestic regulations
- Germany and Sweden have been removed from the list of UK travel corridors having been assessed by the Joint Biosecurity Centre as posing a heightened infection risk
Passengers arriving into the UK from Germany and Sweden from 4am on Saturday 7 November 2020 will need to self-isolate for 2 weeks before then following domestic rules, as travel corridors continue to be used to protect the nation from imported cases of coronavirus (COVID-19).
Italy - Ministerial Decree - Dpcm of October 24 includes new restrictive measures in force until November 24, 2020.
The statement was released by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, introducing the new Ministerial Decree - Dpcm of October 24, published in the Italian Official Gazette on October 25. The decree includes new restrictive measures in force until November 24, 2020.
China - Foreign CIIE participants can apply on-site for visa extensions
Foreign exhibitors and visitors are allowed to apply for visa extensions on-site at the China International Import Expo, local authorities said.
Overseas exhibitors and visitors who need to extend their stay in Shanghai due to preliminary exhibition arrangements and follow-up business negotiations can complete visa extensions at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) where the expo is taking place, said the exit-entry administration of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau.
UK - New protections for renters over duration of national restrictions
- Evictions will not be enforced whilst national restrictions are in place
- Evictions will not be enforced by bailiffs until 11 January 2021 at the earliest, except for the most egregious cases such as anti-social behaviour
- Six month notice periods still in place until at least the end of March 2021, except for most serious cases
Renters will be protected during the national restrictions, with no bailiff enforcement action, the Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick has announced today (5 November 2020).
Thursday, November 05, 2020
China - Xi announces new measures for expanding all-around opening-up
President Xi Jinping announced new measures for expanding all-around opening-up in his keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the third China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai on Nov 4.
Singapore - Corporate Tax Filing Simplified for Companies
Companies will enjoy a simpler tax filing experience in the 2020 Corporate Tax Filing season.
The Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) has launched a new, simplified Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Return called Form C-S (Lite) which allows smaller companies to save time and file their taxes easily.
New digital solutions such as fund transfers via PayNow, direct filing from accounting software, and digitised notices for companies are also being rolled out.
Wednesday, November 04, 2020
China - New IPO system to promote reforms across the entire A-share market
Implementation of the registration-based initial public offering mechanism in the A-share market will help in the sustained development of the capital market, according to experts.
The Financial Stability and Development Committee under the State Council said after a meeting on Oct 31 that the ratio of direct financing in the market will increase after the registration-based IPO mechanism is implemented across the entire A-share market.
HKSAR - Turkey placed on high-risk list / Social distancing measures extended
The Government announced that it will gazette the new specifications to impose conditions on travellers who visited Turkey within 14 days before arriving in Hong Kong to combat the epidemic more effectively.
The Government also announced the social distancing measures currently in place will be maintained until November 12.
Tuesday, November 03, 2020
Australia - Framework for National Reopening
On 23 October, National Cabinet agreed in-principle to the Framework for National Reopening, noting at the time some states were in caretaker and WA did not agree with removing border controls in any particular timeframe.
The Framework is designed to reopen Australia to a state of ‘COVID Normal’, wherever it is safe to do so, by December 2020 while managing the health impacts and severity of COVID-19.
Monday, November 02, 2020
UK - New national restrictions announced by Prime Minister
The Prime Minister has announced tougher national restrictions in England from Thursday.
With the NHS weeks from being overwhelmed, and a higher death toll than the first wave predicted without new restrictions, the Prime Minister, Chief Medical Officer, Chief Scientific Advisor, and Cabinet agreed there was no alternative to tougher national measures.
From Thursday, everyone must stay at home, with a limited set of exemptions.
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Australia - Annual indexation of skilled visa income thresholds from 1 July 2025
From 1 July 2025, skilled visa income thresholds will be increased by 4.6%. Income thresholds are indexed annually so wages for skilled mi...
哇!我从来都不知道林忆莲或王菲或关淑怡唱过Madonna的Vogue!多谢DJ张伟基的珍藏才有机会听到!可惜没MV..... 好怀念王菲,她真是我的第一最爱偶像!
Beijing passed its first special regulation on foreign investment on Friday, representing the Chinese capital's latest effort to promote...