Tuesday, January 29, 2013


電影 {犀利人妻-最終回- 幸福男。不難} 唯一可看之处就只有温瑞帆终于放手让前妻,谢安真,去寻找她应有的幸福。当然还有这首很好听的“幸福难不难”。

詞:黃婷 曲:宇珩

不為什麼苦惱 日子像悠游的水草
過去多在意的 事過境遷了隨風飄

誰等在我的昨天 左右不了明天
愛過幾年 緣份總是少一天

每次想走得很遠 越渴望越無力向前
如果那麼愛你 最後還要失去你 為你傷心
可能 我會寧願不去冒險

聽過多少永遠 只懷念擁抱你的瞬間 
如果遺失的夢 還能再找回來 我會勇敢
可是選擇離開 就別遺憾

當時說了再見 再見面時空都已蛻變
如果遺失的夢 還能再找回來 我會勇敢
可是選擇離開 就別遺憾


Monday, January 28, 2013

張惠妹 - 獻給同志朋友的《彩虹》


Bubble's Urbanistical Tales published!

It's published! YES, "Bubble's Urbanistical Tales" IS PUBLISHED! (and will hit the bookstores very soon) This is a very exciting phase for the author (spoiler alert! He is not me!), local talents don't come by in droves; when we see one, we should support. 

In the meantime, you can buy your copy / copies from me. Looking forward to your support to make this book a huge success!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

New York State Of Mind / Billy Joel

So do you like the male version (done by Mr Joel) or the original version (done none other than Big Nose Mama - Ms Streisand)? But there is no denying that this is one golden classic that will not go out of time.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Carrie Underwood - Mama's Song

Misses Ms Underwood's powerful vocals and sweet demeanor. Step aside, Ms Swift. Ms Underwood remains my country babe of all time.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013



If you are going to love, please love deeply. If you are going to give up, please have a clean break. Do not give mixed signals, you will only hurt others and yourself in the process. The worst regret in our life, is none other than giving up easily what shouldn’t be given up; and stubbornly insist on what shouldn’t be insisted upon.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Marina and The Diamonds - Primadonna

Why this single wasn't as big as "Call Me Maybe", I don't know. Nonetheless, as much as I love Carly Rae Jepsen, I enjoy this single just as much!

蔡依林 Jolin Tsai - Dr. Jolin



王心凌 Cyndi Wang 變成陌生人


梁文音Rachel Liang 心裡的孩子


Sunday, January 06, 2013

蕭亞軒ELVA 有愛到就好

"SuperGirl" 不好听,这首“有爱到就好”就还不错,把昔日的Elva带回来了。

Les Miserables - Official Movie Trailer 2012

Anne Hathaway did a very competent job as "Fantine", I have a good vibe that she may walk away with more than 1 acting accolade in 2013 with this role. You earned my tears wholeheartedly and I "feel" you. (have I been tearing a little too much recently? Darn...)  

Another of my fav, Amanda Seyfried as "Costella" was an absolute natural. Well done! 

Worth a watch unless you are one of those who do not how to appreciate theater plays but try to pretend you are an avid goer then made a fool of yourself by sniggering through (Yes, I am talking about you! The one seating beside me, pretending you know Les Mes in order to impress your gal date but ended letting out a laugh at one of the pivotal scene!); give this show a miss and save yourself some grace.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013


节日是让幸福的人更幸福,孤独的人更孤独。The blessed enjoys the bliss much more while the lonely gets lonelier during times of festivities.

Australia - Annual indexation of skilled visa income thresholds from 1 July 2025

From 1 July 2025, skilled visa income thresholds will be increased by 4.6%.   Income thresholds are indexed annually so wages for skilled mi...