Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Back from Bangkok!

We were outside the entrance to Grand Palace. It was a Sunday so there were a lot of tourists (just like the 2 of us!)

This mansion is so grand! Imagine if you are staying in this mansion, you probably need 30 mins to walk from one end to the other end of the mansion!
This cafe's exterior is so cute looking, so ladylike and fun-looking. But we did not make a trip inside.....
This is a bird's eye view from the top floor of Central World....

We are on our way home liao, enjoying the comfortable spacing on board TG.

We are back in Singapore! Though this trip to Bangkok was a short one at 3 days 2 nights but we had done slightly different visits!

First of all, we visited the Grand Palace (Can you imagine that both of us have been to Bkk so many times - more than 10 times already!; yet we have never been to Grand Palace?)

Then of course, Amazing Thailand Grand Sale is on till 31 August 2009 so cheap bargains are everywhere!

I personally like the newly enlarged Central World as it is really filled with numerous nice looking and nice ambience F&Bs.

And we had massages for 2 days straight. Ah...such nice life...

Problems with "Create Post" Page - With solution (courtesy from Spore Cowboy)

Ever since I returned from Bangkok 2 nights ago, I have been having problems on the "Create Post" page on blogger.
The bar where the fonts, colours, the tabs of "Edit Html" & "Compose" etc were all not reflecting on the page and the alignment of the page looked weird.
After frustrating over the problem for 2 days, I sourced the help forum, realising many other Singnet users (other users using Starhub declared that they do not have this problem) are having the same problem and finally chanced upon this blogger, Spore Cowboy, who was also having the same problem and he had the solution!
I have copied his solution here if any of you are reading this blog and having the same problem:
Manual proxy settings need to be applied on web browser.
* For IE 7.0 & below:
Tools -> Internet Options
Click on "Connections" page tab
Click on "LAN Settings" button (if you are using Broadband)
Check "Use a proxy server for your LAN ..." checkbox
Click on "Advanced" button
Under HTTP type, input "" for proxy address and "8080" for port
Click on "OK" button 3 times to confirm changes

* For FF 2.0::
Tools -> Options
Click on "Advanced" tab
Click on "Network" page tab
From the "Connection" frame, click on "Settings" button
Select "Manual proxy configuration" option
Under HTTP proxy, input "" and "8080" for port
(PS: Finally I can get to post pictures again liao!)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Stephanie Sun - "The Answer Is" Concert in Singapore

I must really say a big thank you to my brother and his wife for the tickets to Stephanie Sun's concert last night.
We had enjoyed the concert and both of us felt that Stephanie has definitely improved tremendously on her live singing!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

阿密特 - 好膽你就來 MV

When I look into my crystal ball, I thought I saw my significant other half rubbing his palms and getting all ready to tackle this song at the KTVs......

Well, he likes A-Mei too and is now officially a Hokkien song fanatic.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Children Cancer Foundation - Hair For Hope 2009

Believing in creating awareness for children cancer and showing support for these children who may be unwell, I have participated in the Hair For Hope 2009 and shaved my hair.

I am glad that my honey and our friends, K & J, were there to give me moral support. Walking up the steps to the stage and wait for the hair stylist to use the electric razor to shave off my hair, I had initially thought that I will feel nervous or sad over the loss but nope, I did not and in fact, I didn't feel anything over the baldness.

Will I participate in the event next year and shave my hair again? I don't know. To me, supporting a worthy cause can come in any form and it's the thought that counts.

By shaving, I hope that these children who may be unwell will understand the message that physical appearance really doesn't matter much. I hope they stay positive and believe that they will get well and have the same bright future as any other children to be our future leaders.

And of course, I really wish that all adults can advocate non-discrimination to the younger generation because all human are equal regardless of race, religion, sex and age.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

SS501 - Deja Vu MV

Another red hot Korean boy group. SS501 has very recently caused a stampede in Hong Kong.

Thursday, July 02, 2009


阿密特--BOYS ONLY變身派對

【活動時間】 7月18日(星期六) 7點18分開始入場 活動時間:晚上8點~10點半

【地 點】 西門町河岸留言 (台北市西寧南路177號)

【入場方式】 現場憑正版專輯CD入場+DRESS CODE入場

DRESS CODE:身上的服裝要有6色彩虹的顏色之一:紅 橙 黃 綠 藍 紫

名額有限,限前500名入場~ 阿密特會到場與大家同樂 為了讓大家玩得盡興愉快 現場不會邀請電子或平面媒體

New Zealand - Changes to the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) and median wage

From 10 March 2025, employers recruiting workers under the AEWV and seasonal SPWV policies will no longer be required to pay the median wage...