Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Janet Jackson - If

I don't know if anyone remembers this hit from Janet Jackson or loved this song as much as I do.

When I first heard this song and saw it's MV in 1994, I went ballistic as the MV was fantastically shot and the dance moves (shown at the 3rd quarter of the vidz) were simply awe-inspiring (remember it was 1994 then).

And during our school anniversary at that year, a group of us performed this routine at the anniversary celebration and got a standing ovation! It was crazy!

Those were the days....


Ah Kiong said...

I see that u have already watched 康熙來了's latest episode....

covantai said...

Indeed I had, and once again it had brought back fond memories...

Scotland - Scottish Graduate Visa proposed

A dedicated visa for international graduates from Scottish universities or colleges who want to stay in Scotland after their studies has bee...