Tuesday, March 31, 2009

2访台北-棒!(Day 1)

再访台北真的很轻松也很快乐,凉凉冷冷的气候是我的最爱!这趟也因为和久未见 面的Joe及第一次见面的York相见欢所以更流连忘返。感谢Joe让我们有机会在巨蛋看阿妹飙歌,更感谢非常有礼貌也好好笑的York在我们这几天里,陪我们吃喝玩乐,更 介绍我们好多好吃好玩的!

York简直就像旅游大使一样,亲切有礼。也把Amazing Taiwan玩得我们要有遗憾,这样才能把我们再重回Amazing Taiwan!
Our hotel room!
My ultra cute honey lor! Taken on the plane to Taipei.
My first main dish in Taipei! Dinner time.
Soup and appetiser. Nice!
Our way to taipei....

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