Sunday, February 15, 2009

香港走透透 - Day 2 (Part 2)

Leaving behind our imprints against a maginificent backdrop
This is our room!
This is the lobby on our floor. We were staying at the 8th floor.
Enjoying bird nest!! Yum Yum!
Taking the subway wherever we go....


Buaya said...

Your HK trip seems so much more glam than mine... Where did you stay? I never had dim sum at HK... :(

covantai said...

We stayed at Renaissance Kowloon Hotel. didn't had dim sum? Now, that's a travesty!

Buaya said...

Can you imagine I went HK 3 times and only JUST had goose... *roll eyes* I think I need to enforce a shopping/eating routine for our next HK trip!

covantai said...

Well, you always have the next trip to do exactly that!

Buaya said...

The problem is getting him to agree and actually move out according to the itinerary without an attempt to kill me in HK... :p

covantai said...

All the best to your efforts then! :)

Scotland - Scottish Graduate Visa proposed

A dedicated visa for international graduates from Scottish universities or colleges who want to stay in Scotland after their studies has bee...