Friday, February 27, 2009

Brooke White - Hold Up My Heart

Welcome back, Brooke White! This sassy lass caught my eye at AI season 7 with her rendition of "Let It Be" & "I Am So Vain".

I simply adore her, this new single of hers is just great and she looked even better than before! I hope she can make it big.

Sit back and enjoy this single.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I Am On Razor TV

Yup, click on the link above to see how I looked like on Razor TV. I appeared at 3min 20 sec, 4min 11 sec & 5min 55 sec.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Happy Birthday, Honey!

Happy Birthday, honey! Though it is almost the same year after year, receiving gifts and gorging on food but I want you to know that all your birthdays are important to me and I hope that you will have the best of everything every year!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

香港走透透 Day 3 (Part 2)

After the Peak, we made our way to the biggest bronze Buddha in the world!
Taken from the top of the hill after making our way up the long flight of stairs.
Such a magnificent view! The biggest bronze Buddha in the world!
Taken half way through the flight of stairs....Half way more to climb!
This wishing shrine is at the bottom of the hill when you came out from the cable car station. So colourful!
After getting out of the cable car station, this is what greeted us before we made our way to the foot of the hill to mount the long flight of stairs.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

香港走透透 - Day 3 (Part 1)

This was taken at Day 2 but I thought he looked so cute that I have to put it up at Day 3 for a great start!
Making a trip up to the Peak!
Such a breathtaking scene taken from the top!
Still at the Peak. I simply loved the cooling weather up there!
Before heading up to the Peak, we saw a peaceful rally. First time I saw a peaceful rally overseas!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

香港走透透 - Day 2 (Part 2)

Leaving behind our imprints against a maginificent backdrop
This is our room!
This is the lobby on our floor. We were staying at the 8th floor.
Enjoying bird nest!! Yum Yum!
Taking the subway wherever we go....

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Tyra Banks Show - ''Men who are 'gay for pay'''

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

香港走透透 - Day 2 (Part 1)

The magnificent night scene albeit a blurry one.
Shopping at Causeway Bay, with the likes of Bottega, Gucci, Coach, Prada et al.

Sipping coffee at Agnes B' cafe.

Dropping by Charlie Brown Cafe for coffee and cakes!

Another pretty pretty night scene!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

香港走透透 - Day 1

Taking the ferry to Hong Kong.
Having Dim Sum for our first meal in Hong Kong!

Taking a walk down Star Avenue.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

謝安琪 ~ 喜帖街

She is now the hottest and No.1 singer in Hong Kong, she is 谢安琪.The number of awards she won in 2009 for her songs in 2008 was way more than 陈奕迅,容祖儿,方大同 & 杨千桦!

We are heading to Hong Kong this Friday!!! Hoo-ray!

Australia - Annual indexation of skilled visa income thresholds from 1 July 2025

From 1 July 2025, skilled visa income thresholds will be increased by 4.6%.   Income thresholds are indexed annually so wages for skilled mi...