Saturday, September 20, 2008

The winner takes it all [Meryl Streep - Mamma Mia!]

Remember the scene stealing Jennifer Hudson performed "And I Am Telling You, I Am Not Going" in "Dream Girls" with such gusto and breast thumping emotions that had Oscar written all over it? To me then, it was indeed an Oscar worthy moment.

Till I saw thespian Meryl Streep performing "The Winner Takes It All" in "Mamma Mia!", and I was completely bowed over!

This is what Oscar winning performance should be all about! Meryl did it so beautifully that I was actually moved to tears. Now, this is more than Oscar worthy. Give this woman another Oscar, quick!


Buaya said...

Actually, I find her a little awkward feeling in this scene... like dunno where to put her hands etc... :p

covantai said...

Hahaha, oh, is it? I actually liked the way she was frailing her hands... :)

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