Thursday, May 08, 2008

David Archuleta - Love Me Tender

Can you imagine that such a young boy (he's not even 18 years old!) can sing such a lovely hit with superb emotions and gusto? He is definitely the one to beat in AI 7!

I am also going to dedicate this beautiful song sung by the wonderful David Archuleta to my honey since I doubt I can sing as good as the young boy so I might as well "make use" of his angelic voice to entice my good looking angel.


Anonymous said...

lovely song
one of my favs

Ah Kiong said...

lovely song.. one of my favs... tks

Buaya said...

I want to cry when Simon claims David had crushed the competition... Can you feel the emotions as David sings this song? Wow... Thanks for showing the clip... :)

covantai said...

Always my pleasure to make you smile, hon. :)

covantai said...

Buaya, I didn't felt like crying when I heard him sung but I did felt his earnest emotions which I was amazed how good this young boy is!

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