Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Madonna - Hung Up (Live MTV Music Awards 2005)

She might not be the one to hit all the high notes and go on a dolphin whistle aka Mariah Carey, nor is she able to go all drama mama with her chest thumping antics ala Whitney Houston.

And she is definitely not the ultra friendly and oprah-esque Celine Dion, neither is she the very danceable, hot and sexy Beyonce but Madonna is the one who reinvented herself and music scene for the past 20 years.

Kudos to the Queen!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

BIG Big Thank You!

Finally! "Stand By Me" has came to a conclusion and I must say a big big thank you to all those who have taken time out to read this fictional story either on my blog or on Trevvy (slightly slower in uploading the story so it is still running.), especially to my "die hard supporter" = honey!

All encouragements were very sweet and morale booster. Ever since I wrote my first story, "Loving You", which steered more towards erotica writing, I have always wanted to out-do myself to write a longer story.

So when I wrote "Love Me Not" to be a 27-parter, I secretly challenged myself to aim writing a 30-parter story and that's how "Stand By Me" came about. Now, I have sort of fulfilled the aim I set myself; I am kinda lost as to if I should write again since there are now no more motivation to continue writing.

Still, if I do write again, it won't be anytime soon as per my usual habit, I will go into hibernation mode after finishing one story and the hibernation period usually lasts more than a few months.

Anyway, a quick recap. I have written "Loving You", "Prelude", "Unconditional Love", "Love Me Not", "NS Buddies", "Redemption", "Three Way", "To Be Loved Or To Love" and "Stand By Me". A total of 9 fictional stories so far! Whoa......

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Short Getaway

I will be going for a short getaway with my honey and our friends over the weekends! Another trip to get out of Singapore just makes me so excited and happy.

So there will be a break from posting my fictional story - Stand By Me, for the next few days.....

New Zealand - Changes to the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) and median wage

From 10 March 2025, employers recruiting workers under the AEWV and seasonal SPWV policies will no longer be required to pay the median wage...