Monday, March 31, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Step Up 2 The Streets - Final Dance
I watched this movie with my honey on Monday and though we enjoyed the dance segments, we felt that Step Up 1 was more interesting and awe-inspiring. Of course, much thanks to Channing Tatum.
I was sharing with my honey that the opening sequence to this final dance, resembled 蔡依林MV爱无赦 and he barked that Jolin was too lian-ish compared to the movie!
But both got hand torchs what....
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Destiny's Child - Lose My Breath & Soldier at NFL Kick Off
Are they hot or what?! Love Destiny Child!
Sunday, March 02, 2008
The Leap Years
Watched "The Leap Years" with my honey tonight. We had a great night though just normal routine of movie and dinner and drinks.
I felt that this movie is definitely one of the best local production and the story was touching and romantic. The cinematography made Singapore looked much more interesting and fun!
The cast were also competent, notably Li-Lin. She was very impressive and such a natural that I can't help but to believe her and laugh and wept with her. Yes, I got emotional over couple of scenes and can't help sobbing...
Darn.....It was a nice felt-good movie. Watch it!
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Australia - Annual indexation of skilled visa income thresholds from 1 July 2025
From 1 July 2025, skilled visa income thresholds will be increased by 4.6%. Income thresholds are indexed annually so wages for skilled mi...
哇!我从来都不知道林忆莲或王菲或关淑怡唱过Madonna的Vogue!多谢DJ张伟基的珍藏才有机会听到!可惜没MV..... 好怀念王菲,她真是我的第一最爱偶像!
Beijing passed its first special regulation on foreign investment on Friday, representing the Chinese capital's latest effort to promote...