Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Australia - New citizenship application fees from 1 July 2023

From 1 July 2023, new citizenship application fees will apply. Fees are increasing to reflect the cost of processing applications. On 1 July each year, indexation will be applied to citizenship application fees based on the consumer price index (CPI).

Thursday, June 22, 2023

New Zealand - Simplified path to residency for skilled workers

  • No cap on highly skilled workers
  • New six-point system to give certainty to migrants on their eligibility
  • Clearer criteria and faster pathway to residence for highly skilled people
  • Extension of Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) to five years and introduction of five-year maximum continuous stay AEWV
The Government is making changes to the Skilled Migrant Category (SMC) as part of the immigration rebalance, to help businesses attract workers to fill skill shortages, Minister of Immigration Michael Wood announced.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Denmark: Replacing residence cards for third-country family members to EU-citizens with permanent residence

You may need to have your residence card replaced, if you are a third-country citizen (i.e. a citizen in a country outside of the EU/EEA and Switzerland) with permanent residence in Denmark as a family member to an EU-citizen. 

This is due to new safety requirements for residence cards. This means that some residence cards will no longer be valid in either 2023 or 2026.

Monday, June 19, 2023

Singapore: Aperian Global part of Inclusively Asia' Inclusive Careers Fair 2023

Does supporting a worthy cause for the underrepresented population sound interesting to you? Meeting new people? Spending a Saturday differently as you would for any Saturdays?

If yes, READ ON.......

Aperian Global is proud to be a part of Inclusively Asia’s Inclusive Careers Fair (ICF) 2023 last Saturday June 17 at WeWork in Singapore. 

ICF is a Pink Fest signature event, supported by big names such as venue sponsor WeWork with supporting sponsors DysonNomura and Standard Chartered BankSome of the participating organisations included Expedia Group, NBC Universal, Netflix, Unilever and Airbnb.

Inclusively Asia is a social enterprise dedicated to social equity for diverse underrepresented groups in Singapore and across Asia by promoting inclusive employment and business practices.

While ICF is a free open registration event, there were 6 heavily discounted ticketed Confidence Classes among a slew of program activities. 

Aperian Global's Team Up confidence class explored the wider context of cultural perceptions leveraging our GlobeSmart Profile (GSP), to take a closer look at our own cultural work style to enhance cultural agility. 

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Schengen visa: Political agreement on digitalisation of visa application

The Commission welcomes political agreement between the European Parliament and the Council allowing for the digitalisation of the Schengen visa procedure.

Wednesday, June 07, 2023

New Zealand - New Online forms for visa transfers and Parent Resident Visa expressions of interest

Immigration New Zealand have launched 2 new online forms to make both transferring a visa to a new passport, and expressing interest in applying for the Parent Resident Visa easier.

New Zealand - Changes to the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) and median wage

From 10 March 2025, employers recruiting workers under the AEWV and seasonal SPWV policies will no longer be required to pay the median wage...