Monday, July 25, 2022

HKSAR - Government trials upgraded electronic health declaration system to enhance arrival quarantine procedures

The Government announced July 24 the implementation of an upgraded electronic health declaration system on a trial basis starting from 0.00am on July 28 (Hong Kong Time), requiring inbound persons to complete the online electronic health declaration of the Department of Health (DH) and obtain a QR code before boarding their flights to Hong Kong. 

The launch of the upgraded electronic health declaration system will facilitate the Government's progressive enhancements to the electronic checking and processing of arrival quarantine procedures, thereby streamlining the process and reducing the time required for inbound persons to stay at the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA). 

Thursday, July 21, 2022

New Zealand - New investor migrant visa will bring growth opportunities to Kiwi companies

  • A new Active Investor Plus visa category is created to attract high-value investors.
  • The new visa will replace the existing Investor 1 and Investor 2 visa categories.
  • Eligibility criteria includes a minimum $5 million investment and encourages greater economic benefit to New Zealand companies by capping passive investment in listed equities to 50 per cent and excluding bonds and property.
  • Visa category will open 19 September 2022.
As part of the Government’s Immigration Rebalance strategy, changes to New Zealand’s investor visa settings will be made to attract experienced, high-value investors bringing growth opportunities to domestic businesses, Economic and Regional Development Minister Stuart Nash and Immigration Minister Michael Wood announced today 20 July.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Singapore - Removal of Cost-Saving Notification Requirement and Advisory on Retrenchment Benefit as a Result of Business Difficulties

As the COVID-19 situation stabilises, MOM has reviewed the need for the following temporary measures that were originally implemented to deal with disruptions to business operations: 

a. In March 2020, MOM introduced a requirement for employers with more than 10 employees to notify MOM if they implement any cost-saving measures that affected employees’ monthly salaries. The number of employers submitting new cost-saving notifications has decreased significantly to a monthly average of 8 in 1Q 2022, from the peak of 1,713 employers at the start of the Circuit Breaker in April 2020. 

b. In May 2020, MOM issued an Advisory on Retrenchment Benefit Payable to Retrenched Employees as a Result of Business Difficulties due to COVID-19 ("Advisory"). This provided employers more flexibility on retrenchment benefit payments in view of the difficult economic conditions then. The number of cases of employees seeking assistance on retrenchment benefits has since declined to a monthly average of 8 cases in 1Q 2022, compared to its peak of 198 cases in August 2020.  

Friday, July 15, 2022

Numb Little Bug Covered by Aye Sarunchana

A neat cover by Aye. 

Taiwan ROC - New format of digital COVID-19 certificate to be available 14 July 2022

Taiwan will start offering on Thursday a new format of its digital COVID-19 vaccination certificate, which can be used in countries including the United States, Canada, Japan, and Australia, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) said Wednesday 13 July. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

United States - USCIS Releases New Forms for Immigrant Investor Program

USCIS is revising Form I-526, Immigrant Petition by Alien Entrepreneur, to accommodate the EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act of 2022, which made significant changes to both the filing and eligibility requirements for investors under the EB-5 program. 

Friday, July 08, 2022

HKSAR - Flight suspension mechanism halted

The route-specific flight suspension mechanism will be suspended from today until further notice, the Government announced.

Meanwhile, from tomorrow onwards, inbound travellers undergoing quarantine in designated quarantine hotels will be required to undergo an additional nucleic acid test on the third day of arrival. 

Thursday, July 07, 2022

European Union (EU) - Digital Services: landmark rules adopted for a safer, open online environment

The new EU digital rulebook sets out unprecedented standards on the accountability of online companies, within an open and competitive digital market. 

Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Ascott Acquires Oakwood Worldwide To Fast-track Growth To Over 150,000 Units Globally

CapitaLand Investment Limited’s (CLI) wholly owned lodging business unit, The Ascott Limited (Ascott) announced it is acquiring Oakwood Worldwide (Oakwood), a premier global serviced apartment provider, from Mapletree Investments Pte Ltd. 

The acquisition increases Ascott’s global portfolio by 81 properties and about 15,000 units. Oakwood’s approximately 8,500 operational units are expected to immediately contribute to Ascott’s recurring fee income streams upon completion of the transaction slated in 3Q 2022. 

Monday, July 04, 2022

New Zealand - Applications now open for new work visa holders from offshore

  • Final stage of Accredited Employer Work Visa goes live today
  • Offshore migrants can apply to work in New Zealand for an accredited employer
  • Partners and dependents of work visa applicants can also apply for visas from today
New Zealand has taken another significant step forward in our Reconnecting plan today, as work visa applications open for people offshore, Immigration Minister Michael Wood says. 

Australia - Annual indexation of skilled visa income thresholds from 1 July 2025

From 1 July 2025, skilled visa income thresholds will be increased by 4.6%.   Income thresholds are indexed annually so wages for skilled mi...