Thursday, October 31, 2019

Washington - USCIS Updates Fee Waiver Requirements

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has revised Form I-912, Request for Fee Waiver, by removing the means-tested benefit criteria that was previously used as a factor in determining whether an applicant was exempt from paying for filing fees or biometric services. 


Washington - USCIS Adjusting Premium Processing Fee

Citizenship and Immigration Services announced beginning on Dec. 2, it is adjusting the fee to request premium processing for certain employment-based petitions.


Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Australia - The Administration of the Immigration and Citizenship Program (Third Edition Paper)

This paper has been produced to help external stakeholders understand how the Department of Home Affairs administers Australia’s Immigration and Citizenship Program, complementing existing publicly available sources. 

The paper outlines how the combined factors of large scale growth in the movement of people across borders and the changing threat environment over the past two decades have necessitated a shift in approach to the administration of the Immigration and Citizenship Program to ensure it continues to support Australia’s security, economic and social cohesion objectives now and into the future.


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Qatar - Reforms to laws and regulations governing expatriates and labor market

The Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor and Social Affairs have announced a number of measures to be implemented soon. 

The measures include allowing the sons of residents to work in various fields of work in the private sector without a requirement to change their sponsorship. 

They also include granting new visa for temporary work in some professions and jobs, and reducing the fees of MoI's services, which are delivered electronically by 20% of the value of fees set for the service.


Friday, October 18, 2019

India / Singapore - Liberalization of e-Visa regime

The High Commission of India in Singapore is pleased to convey the changes in India's e-Visa regime as announced by Ministry of Home Affairs Government of India.


Thursday, October 17, 2019

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

China - Foreign banks, insurers given broader access

China is further opening up its financial sectors to foreign investors by loosening regulatory requirements and lifting business restrictions on foreign banks and insurance companies.


Wednesday, October 09, 2019

UK - The Government has published the Brexit readiness report detailing the UK's preparedness ahead of Brexit on 31 October.

  • Government publishes Brexit readiness report to inform businesses and citizens on what they need to do to get ready for Brexit on 31 October
  • Additional funding, extra resources and more practical support will help ensure the smooth flow of goods in and out of the EU
  • Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster says it is “time for the UK to look forward to the future with certainty and confidence”

UK - The government has published an update to the UK’s temporary tariff regime if leave the EU without a deal.

Following the announcement of temporary tariff regime, there were further discussions with industry and consumer groups. Having listened carefully to their feedback, 3 specific amendments affecting HGVs, bioethanol and clothing will be made.


Tuesday, October 08, 2019

DBS and IRAS work towards Singapore’s target to be cheque-free by 2025

In line with Singapore’s Smart Nation agenda, DBS Bank is collaborating with the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) to digitalise tax payouts and collections via PayNow to encourage more businesses to go cheque-free.  


Monday, October 07, 2019

Switzerland - Exchange of information with 75 countries on around 3.1 million financial accounts

The Federal Tax Administration (FTA) has exchanged information on financial accounts with 75 countries. The exchange took place within the framework of the global standard on the automatic exchange of information (AEOI).


New Zealand - Applications for the Parent Resident Visa will open again from February 2020 with new criteria that applicants and sponsors must meet.

The visa with its current criteria is closed from 7 October 2019. It will reopen in February 2020 with new criteria.

New Zealand immigration is not accepting expressions of interest (EOIs) until the visa reopens. New Zealand immigration will start selecting EOIs in May 2020.

Friday, October 04, 2019

Washington - DHS Reminds Travelers that Deadline for REAL ID Compliance is One Year Away

Beginning October 1, 2020, every air traveler must present a REAL ID-compliant driver’s license, state-issued enhanced driver’s license, or other acceptable forms of identification, such as a valid passport or U.S. military ID, to fly within the United States.


Angola - Value Added Tax comes into force October 1

Angola joins the list of countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) that charge Value Added Tax (VAT) replacing Consumption Tax, starting in the country with a flat rate of 14%.


Thursday, October 03, 2019

Secure by Design - UK-Singapore IoT Statement

Joint Statement on cooperation between Singapore and the United Kingdom on the Internet of Things.


Hong Kong - Orders on Comprehensive Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement with Cambodia and Protocol to Comprehensive Avoidance of Double Taxation Arrangement with the Mainland gazetted

Two orders made by the Chief Executive in Council under the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112) to implement the Comprehensive Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement with Cambodia (Cambodia CDTA) and the Fifth Protocol to the Comprehensive Avoidance of Double Taxation Arrangement with the Mainland (Mainland CDTA) respectively will be gazetted on October 4.


Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Ireland - Minister for Justice and Equality launches Immigration Annual Review 2018

The Minister for Justice and Equality, Charlie Flanagan TD, has published ‘Immigration in Ireland: Annual Review 2018’. 

Providing the key statistics on all aspects of immigration in Ireland, the publication demonstrates the continuing attraction of Ireland as a destination for people to visit, work, study and invest.


New Zealand - Changes to the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) and median wage

From 10 March 2025, employers recruiting workers under the AEWV and seasonal SPWV policies will no longer be required to pay the median wage...