Thursday, December 26, 2019

New Zealand: Skilled Migrant and Essential Skills — remuneration threshold changes

On 24 February 2020 the wage or salary thresholds for Skilled Migrant Resident Visas and Essential Skills Work Visas will increase.


Monday, December 23, 2019

China to adjust import tariffs for some products starting January 1, 2020

China will adjust import tariffs for a range of products starting January 1, 2020 to promote high-quality development of trade, the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council said on December 23.


Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Washington - USCIS Announces Implementation of H-1B Electronic Registration Process for Fiscal Year 2021 Cap Season

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services today announced that it has completed a successful pilot testing phase and is implementing the registration process in the next H-1B lottery. 

Employers seeking to file H-1B cap-subject petitions for the fiscal year 2021 cap, including those eligible for the advanced degree exemption, must first electronically register and pay the associated $10 H-1B registration fee.


New Zealand - New assessments of visitor visas to join New Zealand partners

The previous guidelines suggested that people coming to New Zealand to join a partner living permanently in New Zealand should not be considered genuine visitors. 

The new guidelines recognise that people coming to New Zealand to join their partner can be considered genuine visitors, as long as they meet all other requirements for a visitor visa. 


Monday, December 09, 2019

Finland - Katso IDs and authorisations will remain in use until the end of 2020

You can continue using your Katso ID and Katso authorisations to access Tax Administration e-services until the end of 2020. 

After that, you must use the authentication and authorisation services instead. You can start using services immediately. 

More details on the schedule will be published later.


Thursday, December 05, 2019

China - Ministry plans slew of tax, fiscal measures to boost border trade

China has decided to adopt a slew of measures, including tax and fiscal policies, to enhance the innovation and development of border trade, according to the Ministry of Commerce.


Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Switzerland - now features Suva salary declaration and authorisation database

The Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) is expanding, its online service desk for companies, for the second time this year: with release 1.5 on 3 December 2019, the digital platform now assists small companies in particular with entering their salary data for their salary declarations to Suva. 

The debt enforcement service desk’s features are now available to associations, foundations and cooperatives too, while an authorisation database provides an overview of all professions in Switzerland that are regulated or require authorisation.


Monday, December 02, 2019

China - Tax exemptions unveiled for Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics

Chinese authorities on Tuesday introduced tax exemptions for entities, enterprises and individuals that support preparations and test events for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics. 


Finland - Tax-exempt allowances in 2020 for business travel

The tax-exempt domestic per diem allowance for 2020 is €43.00, the partial per diem €20.00, and the meal allowance €10.75.
The 2018 kilometre allowance is 43 cents/km.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

UAE - Expansion on Excise Tax comes into effect on 1st December

The Federal Tax Authority, FTA, is finalising its preparations to implement Cabinet Decision No. (52) of 2019 on Excise Goods, Excise Tax Rates, and the Methods of Calculating the Excise Price, which comes into force on Sunday, 1st December, 2019.


Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Thursday, November 21, 2019

New skilled visas to encourage migration to regional Australia

Skilled migrants who commit to living and working in a regional area will have access to two new skilled provisional visas.
The visas will allow regional businesses to fill vacant jobs faster and provide additional incentives for skilled migrants and their families to settle and remain in regional areas.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

UAE Cabinet: New law to support financially insolvent individuals in the UAE

The UAE Cabinet has approved a federal law to regulate cases of insolvency of natural persons, aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of the UAE by ensuring the ease of doing business, creating favourable conditions for individuals facing financial difficulties and protecting those who are unable to pay their debts from going bankrupt.


Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Qatar - National Address Law to be Implemented Soon

The Ministry of the Interior announced that the National Address Law (Law No. 24 of 2017) would be introduced soon the procedural and operational steps required to implement the law have been completed.


Signing of Tax Convention between Japan and Peru

On November 18 (November 19 in Japan), “Convention between Japan and the Republic of Peru for the Elimination of Double Taxation with respect to Taxes on Income and the Prevention of Tax Evasion and Avoidance” (hereinafter referred to as the Convention) was signed in Lima, Peru by H.E. Mr. TSUCHIYA Sadayuki, Ambassador of Japan in the Republic of Peru and H.E. Mr. Gustavo Meza-Cuadra, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Peru.


Monday, November 18, 2019

China to issue guideline to improve business environment for foreign investors

China will roll out a guideline to better use foreign investment with a focus on safeguarding the national treatment of foreign-funded enterprises. 


Thursday, November 14, 2019

Finland - Postal strike causes delays in the delivery of tax mail

As the strike at Posti begins on 11 November, delays will be expected in the deliveries of the Tax Administration’s letters to taxpayers. 

The strike is scheduled to begin at 6 am on 11 November and to end at 12 midnight on Sunday, 24 November.


Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Washington - The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) provides tax inflation adjustments for tax year 2020

The Internal Revenue Service announced the tax year 2020 annual inflation adjustments for more than 60 tax provisions, including the tax rate schedules and other tax changes. Revenue Procedure 2019-44 (PDF) provides details about these annual adjustments.


說好不哭 Won't Cry - Sam Tsui & Nathan Hartono Cover (周杰倫 Jay Chou w/ 五月天阿信)

说好不哭. Ecstatic to see Sam levelled up to duet with Nathan 👍🏼 Great collaboration!

Monday, November 11, 2019

China - Shanghai unveils measures to promote foreign investment

As an important measure to implement the Foreign Investment Law that will take effect on Jan 1, Shanghai has established a foreign investment promotion service platform to better serve foreign investors.


Taiwan - Mobile Payment for Employment Security Fees

Employers of migrant workers now can make the payment of employment security fees via mobile services such as Taiwan Pay and BeePay.


Friday, November 08, 2019

Washington - U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Implements $10 Fee for H-1B Visa Registration

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services today announced a final rule that will require a $10 non-refundable fee for each H-1B registration submitted by petitioning employers, once it implements the electronic registration system. 

The registration fee is part of an agency-wide effort to modernize and more efficiently process applications to live or work in the United States.


Thursday, November 07, 2019

Washington - Announcement on Designation of Poland into the Visa Waiver Program

Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Kevin K. McAleenan, in coordination with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, designated Poland into the Visa Waiver Program (VWP)

Starting November 11, 2019, citizens and nationals of Poland will be able to apply to travel to the United States for tourism or business purposes for up to 90 days without obtaining a U.S. visa.


New Zealand - New version of Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) released

The Australian Bureau of Statistics and Statistics New Zealand have released an updated version of Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO).

Tuesday, November 05, 2019

UK-Iceland transitional migration arrangements

The UK and Iceland have signed a Memorandum of Understanding on transitional migration to ensure UK and Icelandic nationals will be able to continue to move to each other’s countries in all Brexit scenarios.


Hong Kong SAR - Launch of Government Bill Payment Service through the Faster Payment System (FPS)

The Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau announced that in order to bring greater convenience to the public, the Government will accept payments of taxes, rates and Government rent, and water charges through the Faster Payment System (FPS) starting November 1.


Monday, November 04, 2019

Australia - Global Talent Program open for business

The program is designed to attract skilled migrants at the top future-focused fields to Australia. The program brings the best talent from around the world.


Friday, November 01, 2019

Taiwan - Operation Directions for Issuance of Academics and Business Travel Card and the Implementation of Speedy Immigration Inspection and Clearance

Ministry of the Interior has formulated these operation direction to provide Speedy Immigration Inspection and Clearance in airports for Academics and Business Travel Card (referred as “ABTC.”)


Thursday, October 31, 2019

Washington - USCIS Updates Fee Waiver Requirements

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has revised Form I-912, Request for Fee Waiver, by removing the means-tested benefit criteria that was previously used as a factor in determining whether an applicant was exempt from paying for filing fees or biometric services. 


Washington - USCIS Adjusting Premium Processing Fee

Citizenship and Immigration Services announced beginning on Dec. 2, it is adjusting the fee to request premium processing for certain employment-based petitions.


Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Australia - The Administration of the Immigration and Citizenship Program (Third Edition Paper)

This paper has been produced to help external stakeholders understand how the Department of Home Affairs administers Australia’s Immigration and Citizenship Program, complementing existing publicly available sources. 

The paper outlines how the combined factors of large scale growth in the movement of people across borders and the changing threat environment over the past two decades have necessitated a shift in approach to the administration of the Immigration and Citizenship Program to ensure it continues to support Australia’s security, economic and social cohesion objectives now and into the future.


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Qatar - Reforms to laws and regulations governing expatriates and labor market

The Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor and Social Affairs have announced a number of measures to be implemented soon. 

The measures include allowing the sons of residents to work in various fields of work in the private sector without a requirement to change their sponsorship. 

They also include granting new visa for temporary work in some professions and jobs, and reducing the fees of MoI's services, which are delivered electronically by 20% of the value of fees set for the service.


Friday, October 18, 2019

India / Singapore - Liberalization of e-Visa regime

The High Commission of India in Singapore is pleased to convey the changes in India's e-Visa regime as announced by Ministry of Home Affairs Government of India.


Thursday, October 17, 2019

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

China - Foreign banks, insurers given broader access

China is further opening up its financial sectors to foreign investors by loosening regulatory requirements and lifting business restrictions on foreign banks and insurance companies.


Wednesday, October 09, 2019

UK - The Government has published the Brexit readiness report detailing the UK's preparedness ahead of Brexit on 31 October.

  • Government publishes Brexit readiness report to inform businesses and citizens on what they need to do to get ready for Brexit on 31 October
  • Additional funding, extra resources and more practical support will help ensure the smooth flow of goods in and out of the EU
  • Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster says it is “time for the UK to look forward to the future with certainty and confidence”

UK - The government has published an update to the UK’s temporary tariff regime if leave the EU without a deal.

Following the announcement of temporary tariff regime, there were further discussions with industry and consumer groups. Having listened carefully to their feedback, 3 specific amendments affecting HGVs, bioethanol and clothing will be made.


Tuesday, October 08, 2019

DBS and IRAS work towards Singapore’s target to be cheque-free by 2025

In line with Singapore’s Smart Nation agenda, DBS Bank is collaborating with the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) to digitalise tax payouts and collections via PayNow to encourage more businesses to go cheque-free.  


Monday, October 07, 2019

Switzerland - Exchange of information with 75 countries on around 3.1 million financial accounts

The Federal Tax Administration (FTA) has exchanged information on financial accounts with 75 countries. The exchange took place within the framework of the global standard on the automatic exchange of information (AEOI).


New Zealand - Applications for the Parent Resident Visa will open again from February 2020 with new criteria that applicants and sponsors must meet.

The visa with its current criteria is closed from 7 October 2019. It will reopen in February 2020 with new criteria.

New Zealand immigration is not accepting expressions of interest (EOIs) until the visa reopens. New Zealand immigration will start selecting EOIs in May 2020.

Friday, October 04, 2019

Washington - DHS Reminds Travelers that Deadline for REAL ID Compliance is One Year Away

Beginning October 1, 2020, every air traveler must present a REAL ID-compliant driver’s license, state-issued enhanced driver’s license, or other acceptable forms of identification, such as a valid passport or U.S. military ID, to fly within the United States.


Angola - Value Added Tax comes into force October 1

Angola joins the list of countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) that charge Value Added Tax (VAT) replacing Consumption Tax, starting in the country with a flat rate of 14%.


Thursday, October 03, 2019

Secure by Design - UK-Singapore IoT Statement

Joint Statement on cooperation between Singapore and the United Kingdom on the Internet of Things.


Hong Kong - Orders on Comprehensive Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement with Cambodia and Protocol to Comprehensive Avoidance of Double Taxation Arrangement with the Mainland gazetted

Two orders made by the Chief Executive in Council under the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112) to implement the Comprehensive Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement with Cambodia (Cambodia CDTA) and the Fifth Protocol to the Comprehensive Avoidance of Double Taxation Arrangement with the Mainland (Mainland CDTA) respectively will be gazetted on October 4.


Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Ireland - Minister for Justice and Equality launches Immigration Annual Review 2018

The Minister for Justice and Equality, Charlie Flanagan TD, has published ‘Immigration in Ireland: Annual Review 2018’. 

Providing the key statistics on all aspects of immigration in Ireland, the publication demonstrates the continuing attraction of Ireland as a destination for people to visit, work, study and invest.


Monday, September 30, 2019

Announcement of agreement between Taiwan and Italy giving reciprocal access for both country’s citizens to automated immigration clearance services

The Ministry of the Interior officially announced an agreement Sept. 26 between Taiwan and Italy giving reciprocal access for both country’s citizens to automated immigration clearance services, spotlighting government efforts to expand exchanges between the two sides and increase inbound tourism.


Friday, September 27, 2019

Sweden - New rules on residence permits for research and higher education studies

The Government will soon present a government bill to the Riksdag containing proposals for new rules on residence permits for research and higher education studies.


New Zealand - Regions to lead skills and jobs planning

A new regional approach to skills planning will see workforce, education and immigration systems working together to better meet the differing skills needs across the country.


Wednesday, September 25, 2019

New Zealand - The Minister of Immigration has announced changes to the way employers support migrant workers for temporary work visas

Between now and 2021, changes are being made to the way employers recruit some migrants for temporary work in New Zealand. The changes will be introduced in stages and fully rolled out in 2021.


New Zealand - Changes to the Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa From 7 October 2019

Changes are:
  1. increasing the annual salary limit from NZD $55,000 to NZD $79,560
  2. removing the option to get a Permanent Resident Visa if you apply for a Talent (Accredited Employer) Resident Visa, and
  3. limiting the amount of time employers can be accredited to 24 months.

激起又拭去~邓妙华 Maggie Theng


Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Shanghai FTZ provides greater convenience for foreign talents

The new Lingang area of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (FTZ) launched 11 new policies on Sept 20 to provide greater convenience for foreign talents in high-tech innovational industries, according to authorities of the new area.


Monday, September 23, 2019

New Zealand - eGates open to Japanese travellers

Minister of Customs Jenny Salesa has welcomed the extension of eGate access for eligible Japanese ePassport holders when arriving and departing New Zealand.


New Zealand - Business tax changes back Kiwi companies to innovate and grow

  •  Government removes key barrier to business innovation with new tax incentive
  • New rules backing start-ups to get off the ground and attract investment
  • Economic Plan focusses on a more productive, sustainable, inclusive economy
The Coalition Government is backing Kiwi companies to innovate and grow by making it easier to invest in new assets and business models, and giving start-ups a better shot at success.

UK - Information for customers, employees, creditors and shareholders of Thomas Cook in liquidation.

On 23 September 2019, winding up orders were made against Thomas Cook Group plc and associated companies. The court appointed the Official Receiver as the Liquidator.


Friday, September 20, 2019

林凡 Freya Lim 《如果那天 What If》Official Music Video


Washington - Treasury, IRS release final and proposed regulations on new 100% depreciation

The Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service today released final regulations (PDF) and additional proposed regulations (PDF) under section 168(k) of the Internal Revenue Code on the new 100% additional first year depreciation deduction that allows businesses to write off most depreciable business assets in the year they are placed in service by the business.


Australia - Small employers (with 19 or less employees) need to move to Single Touch Payroll (STP) by 30 September.

STP became mandatory for small employers from 1 July this year. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) provided a three month transition period to employers that needed more time to get ready until 30 September. There are now two weeks until the deadline.


Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Singapore - GST: Guide for Property Developer (4th Edition)

This guide explains the GST treatment on the supplies made in relation to the sale of properties by you as a developer and the claiming of GST on the construction of properties.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

New Zealand - Helping regions fill skills shortages while ensuring Kiwis come first

The Government is making progress on building an inclusive, sustainable and productive economy by helping regions and businesses get the workers they need with a new temporary work visa process.


Monday, September 16, 2019

EU - Brexit: plans in place to mitigate impact of no deal

If the UK leaves the EU without a deal, the effects will be felt by people and companies across Europe. The EU has adopted measures to mitigate the impact of a disorderly withdrawal.


Friday, September 13, 2019

Camila Cabello - Liar

In Love with Liar

China - State Taxation Administration introduces ten further measures to make paying taxes and fees more convenient

In order to further increase convenience and reduce burdens for tax and fee payers and grass-roots tax staff, the State Taxation Administration has launched 10 specific measures in five areas: facilitating tax declarations and payments, optimizing tax services, promoting invoice management, improving the construction of the credit system, and strengthening tax consultations and guidance.


Washington - IRS announces new procedures to enable certain expatriated individuals a way to come into compliance with their U.S. tax and filing obligations

The Internal Revenue Service announced new procedures that will enable certain individuals who relinquished their U.S. citizenship to come into compliance with their U.S. tax and filing obligations and receive relief for back taxes.


Thursday, September 12, 2019

UK announces 2-year post-study work visa for international students

The new ‘Graduate’ route will be open to all international students – including those from India – who have valid UK immigration status as a student and have successfully completed a course of study in any subject at undergraduate level or above at an approved UK Higher Education Provider. 

The visa will allow eligible students to work, or look for work, in any career or position of their choice, for two years after completing their studies.


UK - Get ready for Brexit: Advice for individuals and businesses in Wales

Use this page to navigate the latest guidance from across the UK Government ahead of the UK’s departure from the European Union.


Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Washington - Visa Requirements for Bahamas Citizens Traveling to the United States

The U.S. Embassy in Nassau is open for emergency visa appointments and U.S. Customs and Border Protection Ports of Entry are prepared, should Bahamians request to temporarily relocate to the United States.


UK - Expansion of the shortage of occupation list

The shortage of occupation list has today been expanded to include a range of skilled occupations, following changes to the Immigration Rules.


Monday, September 09, 2019

Singapore - GST: Transfer of Business as a Going Concern and other Excluded Transactions (Fourth Edition)

This e-Tax Guideexplains and provides examples of transactions that are regarded as neither a supply of goods nor services and hence are not subject to GST.

Singapore - New Work Injury Compensation Act 2019 for Faster Claims, Fairer Compensation and Fewer Injuries

The Work Injury Compensation Bill 2019 was passed in Parliament today. It will offer the following benefits for both employees and employers:

  1. Influence companies to prevent injuries from happening in the first place
  2. Faster and simpler claims processes for everyone
  3. Enhanced protection for employees
  4. More certainty for employers

Friday, September 06, 2019

UK - Government announces immigration plans for no deal Brexit

If there's a no deal Brexit, border controls will be introduced to make it harder for criminals to enter the UK.


UK - £16 million funding boost to support thousands more customs experts for trading post-Brexit

Thousands of customs experts will be trained and businesses supported for trading post-Brexit with thanks to £16 million in new government funding launching on September 3.


Thursday, September 05, 2019

China - Zhuhai eases processes for highly talented personnel

Notice has been posted by the Zhuhai Scientific & Technological Innovation Bureau that high-caliber foreign, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan talents can apply for facilitated exit-entry, short stay, and residence permits beginning Sunday, Sept 1.


Friday, August 30, 2019

China to spread pilot VAT general taxpayer qualification project in integrated free trade zones

The State Taxation Administration, the Ministry of Finance and the General Administration of Customs issued a joint announcement on August 16 confirming their decision to spread the pilot general taxpayer qualification of enterprises’value added tax (VAT) throughout integrated free trade zones. 


South Korea - 2020 Budget Planned to Support Industry and Innovation

The government proposed an expanded budget for 2020, worth 513.5 trillion won, with its focus on boosting the economy and promoting innovation.  Total expenditures will be increased by 43.9 trillion won, or 9.3 percent, compared with the 2019 budget. 


Thursday, August 22, 2019

Ireland - New Preclearance process to be introduced to help Non-EEA de facto partners of Irish citizens live and work in Ireland

The Minister for Justice and Equality, Charlie Flanagan, is launching a new streamlined preclearance process to make it easier for Irish emigrants to return home with their Non-EEA de facto partners.
Under the new process, de facto partners of Irish citizens will be allowed to apply for their permission to reside in the country before they travel to Ireland.

Monday, August 19, 2019

UK - Brexit Secretary signs order to scrap 1972 Brussels Act - ending all EU law in the UK

The Government has signed into law legislation to repeal the Act of Parliament which set in stone Britain’s EU (EEC) membership in 1972.


Hong Kong - Financial Secretary (FS) announces measures to support enterprises and residents

The Hong Kong economy faced significant downward pressure in the second quarter. The situation has turned even more austere in recent months. 


Washington - IRS automatically waives estimated tax penalty for eligible 2018 tax filers

The Internal Revenue Service is automatically waiving the estimated tax penalty for the more than 400,000 eligible taxpayers who already filed their 2018 federal income tax returns but did not claim the waiver.


Australia - ATO watching for foreign income this Tax Time

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is urging taxpayers who receive any foreign income from investments, family members or working overseas to make sure they report it this tax time. 


Friday, August 16, 2019

Taiwan - Labor Ministry committee sets minimum monthly wage hike at 3%

A Ministry of Labor (MOL) committee decided Wednesday to raise Taiwan's minimum monthly wage by 3 percent and the minimum hourly wage by 5 percent, effective Jan. 1, 2020.


United States and Canada Implement Preclearance Agreement

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced, in partnership with the Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada, the implementation of an agreement to improve mutual security and expedite lawful travel through preclearance for travelers and their accompanying baggage on certain transports.


Thursday, August 15, 2019

Generous incentives on offer for high-caliber talents in Hangzhou

Hangzhou Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau recently released a revised list of the classifications for high-caliber talents in Hangzhou, local media reported on Aug 12.


ICA To Trial Beta Version Of “SG Arrival Card” e-Service And Mobile Application With Selected Transport Operators

From 14 August 2019, ICA will be extending the trial with the launch of the beta version of the “SG Arrival Card” e-Service on the ICA website and mobile application.Foreign visitors travelling via selected transport operators can then submit the electronic arrival card up to 14 days ahead of their arrival in Singapore. 


Wednesday, August 14, 2019

China - Shanghai municipal government has announced a total of 40 policies to further open up the city's service industry

Shanghai municipal government has announced a total of 40 policies to further open up the city's service industry, in the hope of creating a comprehensive round of opening-up of Shanghai and further enhancing the city's competitiveness in the international market.


Tuesday, August 13, 2019

China - Tianjin continues ramping up incentives for foreign experts

Tianjin in North China has taken the lead in the country to help foreign experts pay their pension and provident funds for property purchases, the municipal foreign experts management authority said.


Finland - Reason for erroneous tax letters determined – new letters will be sent to taxpayers

The section in the source code of the tax letter printing system which caused the error has been discovered, and no more erroneous letters will be sent. Printing and mailing of Tax Administration letters will begin again.


Thursday, August 08, 2019

New Zealand - The Government’s updated tax policy work programme continues the focus on productivity, growth and wellbeing outlined in Budget 2019

The Government’s updated tax policy work programme continues the focus on productivity, growth and wellbeing outlined in Budget 2019, Revenue Minister Stuart Nash announced.


Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Washington - IRS launches new Tax Withholding Estimator; Redesigned online tool makes it easier to do a paycheck checkup

The Internal Revenue Service today launched the new Tax Withholding Estimator, an expanded, mobile-friendly online tool designed to make it easier for everyone to have the right amount of tax withheld during the year.


Monday, August 05, 2019

New Zealand - The New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA) will be mandatory for visitors from visa waiver countries from 1 October 2019

The government takes another step to improve border security today. The NZeTA, New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority, which will enable the government to screen travellers for border and immigration risks off-shore before they travel to New Zealand, has been launched by Immigration New Zealand (INZ), says Immigration Minister Iain Lees-Galloway.


Friday, August 02, 2019

China - Permanent residence application to be easier for certain foreigners

China will ease the permanent residence application for more high-level foreign talents from Thursday, according to the Ministry of Public Security.


New Zealand - A new dawn for work skills and training

The Government is tackling the long-term challenges of skills shortages and the mismatch between training provided and the needs of employers, by comprehensively reforming vocational education, Education Minister Chris Hipkins announced.


Thursday, August 01, 2019

Washington - IRS, Treasury issue guidance on making or revoking the bonus depreciation elections

The Internal Revenue Service today issued a revenue procedure allowing a taxpayer to make a late election, or to revoke an election, under section 168(k) for certain property acquired by the taxpayer after September 27, 2017, and placed in service by the taxpayer during its taxable year that includes September 28, 2017.


Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Ireland - Minister Flanagan announces new immigration registration renewal system for 3rd level students

The Minister for Justice and Equality, Charlie Flanagan TD, has today announced a new online system for 3rd level non-EEA students. 

This will replace the existing system which currently requires Dublin-based students to present in person at the Burgh Quay Registration Office of the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service (INIS). 

The new arrangements will come into effect from 26 August 2019 to coincide with the start of the new academic year.


UAE - The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) commences issuing work permits for male workers under family sponsorship

The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation, MoHRE, has begun issuing work permits for employers wishing to recruit eligible male workers sponsored by their families.


Monday, July 29, 2019

12 new immigration rules to take effect in Zhejiang next month

East China's Zhejiang province will implement 12 new regulations affecting immigration and entry and exit procedures on Aug 1 to facilitate the introduction of foreign professionals and make it easier for foreigners to study, work and live in Zhejiang.


Washington - IRS has begun sending letters to virtual currency owners advising them to pay back taxes, file amended returns; part of agency's larger efforts

The Internal Revenue Service has begun sending letters to taxpayers with virtual currency transactions that potentially failed to report income and pay the resulting tax from virtual currency transactions or did not report their transactions properly.


Thursday, July 25, 2019

UAE - Chinese language programme to launch officially in UAE schools in September

A Chinese language programme will officially launch in UAE schools starting this September, a report by the UAE Ministry of Education has revealed.


South Korea - 2019 Tax Revision Bill

The economy has to deal with weakening growth potential, slowing global economies and increasing external uncertainties.  

Although income distribution indicators have improved and social safety nets have strengthened, low income groups continue to suffer and the population is aging.  

Korea needs active fiscal policies to support future growth engine development and respond to aging population. Against this backdrop, the government has drawn up the 2019 tax revision bill.


Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Washington - New Rulemaking Brings Significant Changes to EB-5 Program

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will publish a final rule on July 24 that makes a number of significant changes to its EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program, marking the first significant revision of the program’s regulations since 1993. The final rule will become effective on Nov. 21, 2019.


Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Sam Smith - How Do You Sleep? (Official Video)

I’m done hating myself for feeling
I’m done crying myself awake
I’ve gotta leave and start the healing
But when you move like that I just want to stay

What have I become?
Looking at your phone oh no
Love to you is just a game
Look what I have done
Dialling up the numbers on you
I don’t want my heart to break

How do you sleep when you lie to me?
All that shame and all that danger
I’m hoping that my love will keep you up tonight
How do you sleep when you lie to me?
All that fear and all that pressure
I’m hoping that my love will keep you up tonight

Tell me how do you
Love will keep you up tonight
Tell me how do you
Love will keep you up tonight
Tell me how do you

Oh no how did I manage to lose me
I am not this desperate, no this crazy
There’s no way I’m sticking around to find out
I won’t lose like that, I won’t lose myself

Look what I have done
Dialling up the numbers on you
I don’t want my heart to break

How do you sleep when you lie to me?
All that shame and all that danger
I’m hoping that my love will keep you up tonight
How do you sleep when you lie to me?
All that fear and all that pressure
I’m hoping that my love will keep you up tonight

Tell me how do you

Love will keep you up tonight

Tell me how do you

I don’t wanna be here
I don’t wanna see it

How do you sleep when you lie to me?
All that shame and all that danger
I’m hoping that my love will keep you up tonight
How do you sleep when you lie to me?
All that fear and all that pressure
I’m hoping that my love will keep you up tonight

Tell me how do you
Love will keep you up tonight
Tell me how do you
Love will keep you up tonight
Tell me how do you

New Zealand - Changes to the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) and median wage

From 10 March 2025, employers recruiting workers under the AEWV and seasonal SPWV policies will no longer be required to pay the median wage...