Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Application and issuance/renewal fees will be adjusted for EP, S Pass, Work Permit and other passes administered by the MOM

From 1 April 2019, the application and issuance/renewal fees will be adjusted for Employment Pass, S Pass, Work Permit and other passes administered by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM).


Wednesday, December 05, 2018

China and EU commit to further achievements

Business leaders and former senior officials from China and the European Union issued a joint statement on Nov 30 calling for open, balanced and inclusive multilateralism and a rules-based trade and investment system.


Tuesday, December 04, 2018


As the world gradually becomes an international village and borders between countries grow increasingly obscure, the movement of talents across the world has become a trend. To create a friendly environment for migrants, and to implement the government's policy of actively attracting and retaining foreign talents, the Executive Yuan has decided to change the coding format of the Uniform ID Number in accordance with the coding format of the National Identification Card. This move will help foreign nationals resident in Taiwan to better fit into Taiwanese society, thus providing another incentive to stay.


Saturday, December 01, 2018

IRS issues proposed regulations on foreign tax credits

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service issued proposed regulations today on foreign tax credits for businesses and individuals.

Read more HERE

Sunday, November 18, 2018

China-ASEAN strategic partnership a boon to Asia-Pacific

SINGAPORE — China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) adopted on Nov 14 the China-ASEAN Strategic Partnership Vision 2030, widely seen as an ideal model for cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region.

Read more HERE

Tuesday, November 06, 2018

China - Group to help private firms access financing

The All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce will beef up efforts to help private businesses address financing difficulties as part of a broader push to assist them in pursuing high-quality development, its top official said on Nov 3.

Read more HERE

Washington - Get Ready for Taxes: Learn how the new tax law affects tax returns next year

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today advised taxpayers about steps they can take now to ensure smooth processing of their 2018 tax return and avoid surprises when they file next year.

Read more HERE

New data on shares helps taxpayers to get it right

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is once again extending its data matching program, this time focussing on share data.

Read more HERE

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Hefei International Talent City was launched on Oct 9, turning the eastern Chinese city into a more attractive hub for global professionals.

Hefei International Talent City was launched on Oct 9, turning the eastern Chinese city into a more attractive hub for global professionals.

Read more here

Trial Of ICA’s New Electronic Arrival Card For Foreign Visitors At Air, Land And Sea Checkpoints

The Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) will be launching an electronic arrival card for foreign visitors to Singapore, which will eventually replace the paper-based disembarkation/embarkation card that foreign visitors are currently required to submit on arrival.

Read more here

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

1st China-Europe Talent Forum opens to boost exchange, cooperation

The first China-Europe Talent Forum was jointly hosted in Zurich, Switzerland, on Sept 25 by the Chinese embassy in Switzerland and the Swiss Adecco Group.

Read more here

Australia - Don’t make extra income a tax time headache

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is increasing its efforts to identify taxpayers who fail to report all their income this tax time, as it strives to recover an annual tax shortfall of nearly $1.4 billion caused by individuals who leave income out of their return.

Read more here

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Hong Kong - Immigration policy on entry of dependants revised

Under the revised Policy, the Director of Immigration (Director) will favourably consider an application from a person who is the other party to one of the above relationships for entry for residence as a dependant in Hong Kong if the person meets the normal immigration requirements

Read more here

Sunday, September 16, 2018

‘Startup visa’ lures expats to Shanghai

Since 2015, Shanghai has launched 25 pilot visa policies to streamline and simplify the foreigner visa application process and to diversify the visa types to better fit the demand, said Cai Baodi, chief of the foreigner visa management division at the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau.

Read more here

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

China to further streamline approval procedures for businesses

China will further push reforms that aim to streamline the approval process for companies, a State Council executive meeting presided over by Premier Li Keqiang decided on Sept 12.

Quick summary here

Arrangement on automatic exchange of financial account information in tax matters between Mainland and HKSAR in force

An arrangement between the Mainland and Hong Kong for conducting automatic exchange of financial account information in tax matters (AEOI) came into effect on September 6, 2018. 

Read more here

Third estimated tax payment due Sept. 17; Tools are available to help people pay right amount following law changes

WASHINGTON – With tax reform bringing major changes for the current tax year, the Internal Revenue Service today reminded small businesses, self-employed individuals, retirees, investors and others who need to pay their taxes quarterly that the third estimated tax payment for 2018 is due on Monday, Sept. 17, 2018.

Read more here

Saturday, September 01, 2018

China adopts e-commerce law to improve market regulation

China’s top legislators passed an e-commerce law aimed at improving regulation of the flourishing market on Aug 31.

Read it here

New Growth Opportunities in Africas Digital Economy and Manufacturing Industry

Enterprise Singapore has successfully facilitated close to 50 projects for Singapore companies in Africa in the last two years[1]. 80% of these projects were undertaken by small and medium enterprises (SMEs). 

Read more here

Changes on statutory requirements for AGM and filing of AR

As part of on-going efforts to keep Singapore business friendly and competitive, legislative changes relating to Annual General Meetings (AGMs) and Annual Returns (ARs) timelines that will reduce the regulatory burden of companies took effect on 31 Aug 2018. In addition, the process for Solvent EPCs and dormant private relevant companies to file Annual Returns has also been simplified.

Read it here

Tuesday, August 07, 2018


做决定只不过是人生中的每日课题,不用为自己做的任何决定耿耿于怀。不论结果是不是原本期望的,都不重要。因为那是你自己做的决定所以你已经对得起自己了。就把这些决定和成果当作人生旅途中的一堂课,读了懂了考完了就够了。 就像你还是在校里的学生一样,你当时读的未必在人生学府里用的到。所以勇敢面对自己做的决定,接受它了解它然后放下它,继续你的旅程。(寇尔文说的)

Monday, August 06, 2018

Singapore - MAS accepts recommendations from Corporate Governance Council and issues revised Code of Corporate Governance

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has accepted all the recommendations by the Corporate Governance Council (Council), and issued the revised Code of Corporate Governance (Code).

Read here

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Canada expands its biometrics screening program

On July 31, 2018, all nationals from countries in Europe, Africa and the Middle East are required to provide biometrics (fingerprints and a photo) if they are applying for a Canadian visitor visa, a work or study permit, or permanent residence.

Read it here

Hong Kong Update

Interim arrangement for applications from parties in a foreign legally recognised same-sex relationship for entry for residence as dependants in Hong Kong to continue.

Australian businesses to reach new heights with the Global Talent Scheme pilot

Read it here

Monday, July 30, 2018

Thailand’s New Residential Leasing Law

Thailand is well known for great eats, beaches and many temples among many things. At an area of 198,000 square miles and over 69 million people, Thailand is the 51st largest country and 21st in terms of population in the world. 
A survey in 2017 by InterNations, the world’s largest network for people who live and work abroad, rated Thailand 7th on the list of 17 countries where expatriates live the happiest lives while the World Bank Group’s Doing Business report in 2017 ranks Thailand in 26th place among 190 economies in the ease of doing business for small and medium enterprises around the world.
With Thailand a popular destination for employers and expatriates alike and coupled with a buoyant economy, Thailand’s property market looks set to return to optimism. 
The Contract Committee of the Consumer Protection Board in 2018 published on the Government Gazette deeming residential property leasing as a contract controlled business. The intention of the regulation is to give additional protection to individual tenants effective May 1st 2018.
Business operators that lease 5 units of property or more to individual tenants for residential purposes, regardless whether or not the units are in the same building, must comply under the new regulation (note: not applicable to tenancy agreements made before May 1st 2018, any adjustments needed are to be done during lease renewal). The new regulation is notapplicable if the lessee is a company (ie. corporate lease).
Some of the significant requirements under the new regulation are:
  • Residential lease agreements must include a version in Thai and contain certain details required under the notification
  • Details of the physical condition of the property and its contents, inspected and acknowledged by the lessee, must be attached to the lease agreement
  • The security deposit must be immediately returned to the lessee at the end of the agreement, unless the business operator has to investigate any damage to ascertain whether or not it is the responsibility of the lessee. If the lessee is found not to have caused such damage, the security deposit must be returned within seven days from the end of the agreement and the business operator retaking possession of the property, the business operator is also responsible for any expenses incurred in returning the security deposit to the lessee.
  • Clauses with the following effects will be unlawful under the regulation:
  • Waiving or limiting the business operator’s liability for breach of agreement or wrongful acts;
  • Requiring advance rental fees equivalent to more than one-month’s rent;
  • Entitling the business operator to change the rental fees, public utilities fees, service fees, or any other expenses before the end of the agreement;
  • Requiring a security deposit equivalent to more than one-month’s rental fee;
  • Allowing confiscation of the security deposit or advance rental fee;
  • Any stipulation of electricity and water supply fees exceeding the rates specified by the relevant authorities; and
  • Any term allowing the business operator to terminate the agreement early other than for a material breach of the lease agreement by the lessee.
While the new regulation may tilt the personal lease friendly housing market in Thailand to be more receptive to corporate leases, there has been no further details how the Thai Government will enforce this regulation systemically to check and determine whether an individual landlord owns 5 units or more of rental properties.
It is also understood that many corporate landlords have raised their concerns and are holding discussions with the Consumer Protection Agency to dispute the new regulations.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Jessie J - Domino "Singer 2018" Episode 1【Singer Official Channel】

OMFG! How to compete like that?! When Jessie J​ makes us feeling so right, makes every second a highlight! 歌手托了Jessie的福,国际化了!

New Zealand - Changes to the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) and median wage

From 10 March 2025, employers recruiting workers under the AEWV and seasonal SPWV policies will no longer be required to pay the median wage...