Sunday, June 29, 2014

Glee's Amber Riley Premieres "Colorblind" for Queen Latifah First!

I may no longer a fan of "Glee" but I have always love Amber Riley since day one. Glad to see that this lass has a chance to record her own original song!

Lana Del Rey - Shades Of Cool

This gal got the gems! She has the No.1 album now, what's more to say?!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Pink Dot 2014 - For Family, For Friends, For Love.

I say "NO" to discrimination! And I believe in freedom to love. To me, a bully is just a born loser who has zilch confidence. So embrace freedom, believe in yourself and welcome love. Love is for ALL! I will wear pink and I LOVE pink!

Monday, June 23, 2014




我自认 ~ 准!:D




Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Stay With Me (Sam Smith) - Sam Tsui & Kurt Schneider Cover

Quick get your tickets to the extremely talented Sam Tsui's concert!

齊豫 潘越雲-夢田 (官方完整版MV)




More often than not, we have absolute faith in ourselves on the path we chose. Though, whenever an obstacle comes along, a voice deep within ourselves will sound the alarm and causes us to have doubts on our choice. So, we change track and take on another path; then another. But are we really sure that our u-turn or changing tracks are correct afterall? Likely, we got lost because our own indecisiveness.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Academy Of Villains [1st Place] | Vibe XIX 2014 [Official]

And this is the winner. Visual wise, yes they are better but uniformity, hands down to 2nd place ~ The Company!

The Company [2nd Place] | VIBE XIX 2014 [Official]

Whoa! This is damn good, they are so uniform and no one (I repeat, NO ONE) misses a beat or raises higher than the other. And they only came in second!

Monday, June 02, 2014

Killer Clown Scare Prank!

If this happens right in front of you, will you (1) scream your lungs out! (2) freeze on the spot and pee your shit out (3) faint instantly OR (4) fight back and try to overpower the "killer" clown till the police is here? (This is such a wicked prank that scare anyone totally!)

New Zealand - Changes to the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) and median wage

From 10 March 2025, employers recruiting workers under the AEWV and seasonal SPWV policies will no longer be required to pay the median wage...