Friday, January 20, 2012

For you - my love

We’ve been through this before; and have emerged stronger. Through thick and thin, we ride them hand in hand. My faith in you never wavers; cause I know you are a warrior. 

You are a raw gem that sparkles in the dark, unwilling to allow the lesser being to catch a glimpse of your sparks. But for the right person who sees your ready to explode talents, you will shine way brighter than that brightest star. 

That wall obstructing you at the moment will crumble on its own in no time; all you need is deeper belief in your own strengths & talents to give that obstinate wall a little shove to get out of your way. 

Along the way, sweet scents of our love will guide you through the mist and lead you back to the incredible path you are meant to take to head to an incredible future. I will be by your side to bask in your glory, holding your hands so tight you will not lose me in the crowd.

Saturday, January 14, 2012


No one; I repeat, no one should give Sandy Lam's concert a miss. I have bought my tickets for her concert on 06 April 2012, have you?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012




Sunday, January 08, 2012

阿妹Amei-zing Concert 2011


Tuesday, January 03, 2012

王菲《願》- 2012湖南衛視跨年演唱會新年祈福


在山水之間 有一份信念 是靜默無言
在佛塔之間 有一條經幡 是為你掛牽
在聚散之間 有一劫宿緣 是無常善變
在你我之間 有一縷思念 是魂繞夢牽

此生 上路 哪怕天絕地穿
只願 途中 能再與你相見


New Zealand - Changes to the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) and median wage

From 10 March 2025, employers recruiting workers under the AEWV and seasonal SPWV policies will no longer be required to pay the median wage...