Guess this is the "icon" of Goodwoodpark Hotel when you entered from the red-carpeted stairs..

My favourite dish from Min Jiang, their signature dish - Peking Roast Duck. Yum yum! And my mum liked it too.

Our 2nd dish was Diced Chicken with Dried Chilli. Pretty good, I must say. Even my mum commented that it was good except a little sweet. And by her standards, to say a dish is good, it MUST be good.

The next dish was Seafood Tofu Claypot, it didn't really pass my mum's standards but I kinda like it after trying it for the 2nd time in 3 weeks.

The remaining of the Peking Roast Duck was cooked with the noodles, this dish was our last dish and also my honey's favourite from Min Jiang. But once again, it did not really make the grade for my mum. Hahahah...